Prologue - The Advent of Liberation

540 15 6

Malmund Forward Garrison

7th Reconnaissance Company, 7th Division, JGSDF


The prickly sensation of grasses and the moistened feeling of the soil was something he had experienced too many times, a feeling ingrained into his body for years since he first started soldiering in the wilderness of Hokkaido. Yet, he felt something incredibly different today as he loosely sat in the shellscrape peering out of his muddy entrenchment. A foreboding feeling of anxiety and excitement swelled within his heart.

Lance Corporal Tanaka was trained to defend his country from a possible Chinese incursion, but he had never expected that he would be told to put his training into use against a technologically-backwards empire attempting to exert dominance in a new world. The soldier glanced into the darkened horizon beyond him. Faint silhouettes of low-rise buildings painted the landscape in front of him with only a couple of dazzling amber lights illuminating the little town. It was the town of Alue, a decently sized settlement laying on the border of the Superpower Mu, now under the occupation of a foreign enemy force hostile to Mu and Japan - the Gra Valkas Empire.

Ahead of the imprisoned settlement were the dozens of white lights belonging to the enemy garrison. He could sometimes spot a couple of silhouettes of their anti-aircraft guns. He didn't even need to use his night vision nodes to see Alue being used as a defensive strongpoint by the enemy.

And they were about to attack this strongpoint tonight.

"Hah..." Another sigh escaped from his mouth as he plopped back into his shellscrape with his rifle pointing out, the eternal torture of waiting gnawing into his mind.

"That's like the thirteenth time," a boisterous voice suddenly remarked, "are you secretly trying to jerk off or something?"

"What," Tanaka shifted his eyes to his compatriot, Corporal Yoshida, lying in another shellscrape beside his position, "does my moan excite you?"

"No." His companion retorted as a little smirk surfaced on his face. "I was having some orgasmic thought about a Murian chick until you started moaning obnoxiously."

"Screw off."

Tanaka merely coughed it off, but the gnawing feeling within his heart never went away. He continued staring at the faint amber lights in the darkened horizon as the silence screamed into his ears. That, and the annoying singing from the local cicadas.

"I don't understand," Yoshida suddenly talked, his eyes spying the horizon with his night vision nodes lowered, "with our superior weaponry, we should've driven the Valkies back to the sea by now. Why are we still here sitting out in the mud while they are having fun with the ladies over the other side?"

"Maybe because they decided to bring their entire navy to our shores," Tanaka replied, thinking back to the Division Commander's words a few months ago. "Diet got scared to shit, decided to halt operations and pull back half the air force here back to the mainland."

"What?" The tone of bewilderment slipped into Yoshida's voice as he scoffed at Tanaka's answer. "What are they going to do to us with their dingly guns and cars?"

"We brought the entire 1st Airborne and the 7th Division and curbstomped their entire ground forces, but suddenly we're ordered to stop our advance because the Valkies decided to bring 1000 of their rubber duckies to our waters?"

"Outdated as they may be," Tanaka reminded, "they're still guns. Kevlar could maybe stop their bullets, but it ain't going to do jack against a 47mm."

"And this is why we're sitting here like idiots," Yoshida joked as he raised his hand exaggeratedly, "with pussies like you being scared shitless by a caveman manning a 47mm peashooter even though they couldn't do jack to our Nana Yons."

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