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"Awww....... Kakashi do we have to do this the whole day.......".

"Yes..... Until you get it right...". He looked up from his book and looked at her. He was sitting under a tree reading his icha-icha paradise and Nasaki was just a few feet away from him.

 He was sitting under a tree reading his icha-icha paradise and Nasaki was just a few feet away from him

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"But I can't.....!!!.... I tried so many times...... It just doesn't seem to be working...... Can't you tell me a trick or something......". She started whining around.

Kakashi sighed and walked up to her. "Ok..... Just feel all your chakra dividing equally...... Like this..... (Then he made the shadow clone hand sign and made a clone)..... Now you try it...".

"Yosh..... This time I'll do it..... (Then she attempted to make a shadow clone but it turned out to be a plushie version of her, after a few seconds it disappeared)..... Nooooo!!!!!!!!...... KAKASHIIIII I CAN'T DO THIS I GIVE UP!!!!!!..... (She let herself fall back and lay down on the grass).....".

"You have trained for 3 hours now so I think you do need a break...... (He sat on the grass next to Nasaki with his legs criss-crossed)..."

"Tch.... You think....!!?.... I bet you don't train yourself like this....."

"Hmm...... Of course I don't...... I train 5 hours a day...... when I was in academy..... and when I was a genin I..... trained 6 hours and when I was a chunin and a jonin I trained 8 hours a day...... And when I became an ANBU member I trained 10 hours a day....... But now I train 1 or 2 hours a day..... (He looked at Nasaki who was literally speechless......)....".

"EEYYHH........!!!!! Kakashi you're joking right..!?... (He shook his head).... Hehe..... Then I will become extremely strong since you are also extremely strong................✧\(>ᴗ<)ノ✧..............".

"Ara ara..... I didn't think you'd admit that I'm that strong..... (Her face turned beat red so she quickly covered her face with her hands, Kakashi just laughed at her flustered reaction)..... ' she's always like that whenever I say something like that.... '.......".

She finally got rid of her flustered face. She sat up and she scooted a little bit away from Kakashi.

"nee Kakashi.... Since you are like training me..... Wouldn't you be my..... Sensei....?!"

Kakashi looked at her with a look saying 'seriously '.

"Yeah maybe I guess if you put it that way...... Bu-......"

"Then what do I call you..... Sensei-Kakashi or Kakashi-Sensei or Hatake-Sensei or Sensei-Hatake.... Or just Sensei......!?!!"

Kakashi sweat dropped at how fast she can speak. And just sighed.

"Uh.... You can call me anything you want...... (He said resting his elbow on his knee and resting his chin on his palm)....."

"Then I will call you Harinezumi-sensei.....!?".

Kakashi looked at Nasaki with a dark aura showing off his whole sitting area.

Kakashi looked at Nasaki with a dark aura showing off his whole sitting area

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"Nasaki..... !?" He said in a dark voice.

(;ŏ﹏ŏ) = Nasaki's reaction.

"N-nanchatte..... K-kashi.... Gomen nasai....". She immediately apologized seeing Kakashi scary mode.

"Ara..... I'm glad you were just joking...... And apology accepted....". He gave Nasaki a Closed eye smile.

' How can he switch out off that scary mode so fast....!? I don't think I'll ever try calling him that...... Too scary (・-・;)ゞ...... but it's fun.... I'll try when he's in a good mood or when he forget about this....'

"You're really scary sometimes......you know that....??!"

"Really I didn't know that...... (Nasaki sweat dropped)..... Ok let's go back..... We have done enough training for today...."

[On the way home]

"Can we go eat first......"

"Hmm..... Sure..... Are we going for dango again....."

"HAAAIIII.....!!!!....." Nasaki shouted in excitement.

"You have so much energy to shout....... But not for training......"

"Eh....?!.... that's a total lie.... I was just actually tired that time..... and also kind of angry because no matter how hard I try I couldn't do it.... it has been a week since I started this training.....!"

"You know I was just joking right...... you took it too seriously..... but you're right it has been a week now but you can't do it..... did you know that shadow clone is a B rank jutsu....?"

"You were supposed to tell me on the first day about that...... but no I don't...."

"Ahaha..... I forgot.... and there's another jutsu called multiple shadow clone..... it allows you to make over hundred of your shadow clone..... but it's a forbidden jutsu......"

"WOAH REALLY!!!!!! can you do it.....!!!!!"


"Can you do it right now......!!!!!!!!!" Her eyes were shining like stars now.

"That might seem like I'm showing off...... there's too many people here..... (he looked around there surrounding)..... maybe next time..."

"Awwww......!!!" (and now Nasaki was pouting like a little kid)

Kakashi chuckled at her behavior.


( ˵ ò⩊< ˵ )

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