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'Why do you insist on visiting me so often?'

Akechi looked down for a second. He quickly looked back up and answered before it became awkward.

"Well, I didn't have anything to do after school, and, I-I'm sure you know I don't have many friends... B-but I don't mind because then I get to see you!"

Saiki had noticed he was acting a bit strange lately. His thoughts were quieter around him. He usually brushed it off, but now it made him think.

He noticed Akechi looking down at the floor fidgeting a bit. He looked at him trying to guess what he was thinking.


Saiki felt nervous.


"Have you eaten yet? Because I'm kind of hungry."

Saiki almost laughed at such a normal question. He was expecting... Well, he didn't know what he was expecting.

'No, I haven't.'

"Okay, good. Do you want to get some cake?"

Saiki couldn't say no to cake. He didn't mind spending time with Akechi, as long as he wasn't too chatty.

But he was always chatty.

And his ring was at home.

"Goodness, this place has a bit of a line, now doesn't it? But that should be fine because it'll be worth it! I heard that they serve over 200 customers a day, so it must be good. I've been wanting to come here for a while. I'm not sure if they serve coffee jelly, but they have tiramisu that I've heard is the best. I do want to try that, or maybe we could take a look at the buffet? But usually, the desserts aren't as fresh. I'm quite flattered that you decided to come here with me instead of going out with your friends. The shortcake looks delicious too..."

Akechi kept on babbling, but Saiki was still thinking about the last thing he said.

He's right. I did choose him over everyone else. Why did I come here with him? He annoys me as much, if not more, than my other friends. Am I really such a sucker for cake?

He mulled over this thought until they reached the front of the line. Saiki had been spaced out for quite some time now, so Akechi ordered for them.

"Kusuo-kun, come sit down!"

'Right. Sorry.'

"So, if you like cake so much, why don't you learn to make it? I have a bit of experience baking, and I'm sure I could teach you if you wanted to learn. We could do it at either of our houses, but I don't know if you have supplies. Maybe we could even make coffee jelly? I've never made it before, but I don't think it's too hard. My favorite thing to bake is probably strawberry cake. I just love strawberries. They go so well with cake, so it's only natural that strawberry cake is so good. I think I ordered some. I ordered a lot of different cakes, because I know how you love sweets!"

Geez, I barely sat down and he's already- wait, did he say coffee jelly?

'You bake?'

"Um, sort of. I'm not the best at it, but I can confidently say I'm decent."

I'm so glad I took that class in the summer. Now Kusuo might visit me! I can't wait to see how he smiles when he's eating the sweets! Coffee jelly should be fairly easy to make. Maybe I should order some tea...

What? Why was he so excited? Is he really this lonely? No, I had seen him talking to... No, wait... Hm... My smile? Why my smile?

The cake finally came; it was truly a sight to behold. For Saiki, at least. There was shortcake, tiramisu, and strawberry cake as Akechi had mentioned, but other various desserts covered the table. Including coffee jelly. Saiki was overjoyed.

Akechi looked at him as he ate his strawberry cake.

Oh, he looks so happy. He's even blushing! It's so nice to see. He's usually so straight-faced and silent, but I think he's even humming. Oh no, I think my face is turning red...

Luckily, at this moment, Saiki was too focused on his food to care what Akechi was thinking. He attacked the coffee jelly immediately. He stared at him the entire time, but he was too enamored to notice.

Saiki felt a hand grab his. He almost jumped.

"Oh good, you noticed. I was asking if you wanted coffee."

Why did he grab my hand? How long had he been calling me? Why didn't I notice?


Akechi stood up to get the waitress's attention.

I'm overthinking this, right? It's no big deal, Nendou touches me sometimes, and even if it's a bit awkward, it's fine right? Why should this be any different? It's only Akechi, after all.

The rest of the afternoon was a bit awkward.

They paid for their food and left. They walked home together in silence. They both were a bit embarrassed of how their time at the cafe went. After about five minutes, Akechi's chatter shattered the silence.

"Kusuo-kun, would you like to come to my house on Saturday to bake? Say, 1 p.m.?"

'I... I'd rather not...'

"Oh, please Kusuo-kun? I'll help you make coffee jelly?"


It was quiet once more. Akechi's mind was still going miles a minute.

He might come over? Why won't he say yes? I bribed him with coffee jelly! I know that he can't resist desserts, so my plan should work perfectly. Of course, he's still extremely antisocial. If he declines, my heart not be able to take it.


'I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.'

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