Chapter one- Urban legends.

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Black eyed children.

This first story is about children with eyes as black as coal. There is no information on what happens if you welcome or help them. Which is why I warn you, if you ever come into contact with a black eyed child do not interact, do not help, do not invite into your home. Sometimes they don't show their eyes right away, so if you get a creepy feeling, stay away. There is no information on what happens after helping or interacting with them, because most people that are assumed to of had, have vanished without a trace.


Cindy was an upbeat girl, the kind with many friends and many possible things to do on a Friday night. Except this Friday night. Her aunt had asked her to petsit her many animals. Even though Cindy was afraid of staying at her aunts small farm house in the middle of nowhere, she reluctantly agreed after being bribed with $50 a night and a new Chanel bag if her aunt were to return to everything in perfect condition.

As she sat on the couch cuddled with a blanket after a long day of many chores, Cindy almost regretted taking the offer. It was a cold November night, and the wind creaked on the old houses roof. Making her jump every so often.




An eerie sound came from the back porch,


The wind hit the roof again and Cindy shivered and tried to focus on the television in front of her. "It's an old house," she said to herself. "Old houses make terrible noises, but nothing to be afraid of." Feeling reassured by her own words of encouragement, she decided to turn in after a long day. But on her way to the bedroom the sound could be heard again.




And that's when Cindy realized, it wasn't the old house making noises. It was a knock at the door. "Now who would that be at such an hour?" she thought to herself. It was nearly 1 am. But she knew a few miles south lived an elderly couple, and aunt Gertrude had told her they were close and often encouraged to come to the house if they needed any help at any hour. So still kind of scared, she made her way to the door. Cursing the farmhouse for not having a peephole like her apartment in the city, she held her breath and creaked the old door open, making sure the top chain lock was fastened so the door would only open part way. She gasped when she saw two children with dark hoodies shivering in the cold. "What are you two doing out here? You'll damn near catch a cold." She asked, highly concerned and quickly closing the door to undo the chain lock.

"Please ma'am, may we come in? We found ourselves lost playing in the woods. Our old fourwheeler broke down and we need to phone our father. He'll be awful cross with us soon, seeing as the street lights are off and we're not home yet." The older one pleaded as soon as the door was reopened. She looked to be around 12 and the other, a feeble looking boy about 5. Still as soon as the girl spoke, Cindy felt a type of scared she had never felt before. The presence of the children made her all around terrified and she couldn't pinpoint why. "I can bring my cell phone out here if you like, but I don't think my aunt would take kindly to me letting s-strangers into her home" Cindy stuttered.

"Why ma'am, we're only children. I'm sure your aunt won't mind. And besides, my brothers mighty cold. We'd like to come in" the girl was very persistent, but Cindy found it weird that neither her or her brother would look up from their hood. She found herself silly for judging a child so harshly, but they seemed plenty sketchy and their story made no sense. The only house near here was that of the elderly couple. And they had no children or grandchildren. And furthermore, why were they out playing in the woods so late at night to begin with? "I can go grab you a blanket but I think you better stay outside while I phone for help." Cindy insisted.

"Let us in ma'am" the girl said again, this time more harshly. "I don't think I will," by this time Cindy's teeth were chattering from fear, but she still felt mighty silly feeling this type of way over two small children. "Now you two stay right here while I grab the both of you a blanket and phone the police to take you home." She quickly went to shut the door but was surprised when the small boy stuck his foot in the way. Then he spoke for the first time.
"Let us in or you'll be sorry" he said in a chilling tone.

An unmeasurable scream left Cindy's lips as soon as the boy spoke, for when she pulled the door back, he was looking straight at her. Only he wasn't. There were no eyes in his skull. Not that she could see anyway. It was jet black, only showing her own reflection back to her.

"Let us in" they both said in unison. Cindy started to feel herself get dizzy, and her arm move as if on it's own. She didn't want to open the door. She didn't want to keep looking at those deep black eyes staring straight into the very depths of her soul. But for some odd reason, her body wasn't her own. And no matter how hard she tried to stop it, it slowly opened the door.

It is unknown what exactly happened to Cindy Nightengale that night. All that is known is she was never seen again, and everything in the house lay just the way she left it. Except her phone. Aunt Gertrude came back, three days later to her pigs which had escaped their pin, her dogs food and water bowls left empty, the tv still on, and Cindy's phone laying open to the notes app on the kitchen counter, it read only three words. Over and over again.

Black Eyed Children.
Written by me-star

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