How to Celebrate

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Sean's POV

"(Y/N), can we change this song?" Lyla whined from my desk chair, "It's making me sleepy."

    "No!" He demanded from next to me, resting his head on my shoulder.

I looked down at him, afraid to move because of how comfortable he looked leaning against my shoulder.

He told us that he had a pretty messed up day at home. I was in the middle of inviting him over when he had already shown up at my doorstep, welcoming himself into my house. Of course I didn't mind. Especially because he had been sobbing out of his mind on my floor, and didn't let me touch him for like an hour. Shortly after, Lyla arrived too to help comfort him. He then warmed up and sat next to me on my bed, but he didn't tell us what was wrong.

We've all been sitting around in my room; Lyla at my desk and (Y/N) sitting right next to me on my bed, listening to a band called "Whatever, Dad" on my speaker to help (Y/N) calm down, since he was pretty upset and that was one of his favorite bands. Once again, I didn't mind.

    Still afraid to move, Lyla whispered my name multiple times before I snapped out of my thoughts.

    "Sean!" She forcefully whispered, this time
    I looked at her, who was motioning towards (Y/N) on my shoulder.

He had fallen asleep.

Seeing him so sad and pissed off earlier, to him peacefully resting on my shoulder sent a warm feeling down my spine.

I took it upon myself to lay down a little more and wrapped my arms around him. I felt him cuddle up to me a little more, which made me blush.

    I heard the sound of a camera shutter.

"Lyla!!" I whisper shouted at her, seeing her phone pointed at me holding (Y/N) in my arms.

"Stupid ass ringer sound," She muttered, fiddling with the ringer on the side of her phone to turn it off, knowing that was what got her busted.

"Delete that right now, I swear to god-"

"Aww, you look like a tomato, Sean," She laughed, "Can we turn the music off now? I'm gonna fall asleep next."

"No, man," I started,  "He'll probably wake up and bite my hand off."

"Do you know why he was so pissed off earlier?" Lyla asked.

"No idea, probably had something to do with his mom," I told her, looking back down at (Y/N).
My dad has been generous enough to let him come over whenever he wanted to escape his home if he needed to.

He and Daniel love him.

I think I love him, but of course, I don't have the guts to tell him that yet.

I haven't even told him that I liked him yet. I keep denying it to Lyla, but I've always made it so obvious.

It was something about the one time we were totally wasted at a party, making out on a couch somewhere.

I knew that I didn't just want that to be a one-time thing, and ever since that happened, I've been wanting to do it again ever since, but I haven't gotten the chance to.

We're Just Kids (Sean Diaz x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now