I walk into the huge school doors. My first block is English, great. I walk into the classroom and I'm greeted by my teacher Mrs.Majore. "Lexie Morvay you are late." She says with temper in her voice. "Im sorry bu-" I say " im sorry" are just words. You have to show me that you mean it now sit down now" she yells in my face "but-" i say "I SAID SIT DOWN LEXI!" She yells. I have to stop the tears from coming out. I sit down at the desk in the corner of the class so if tears fall nobody would see.


It was lunch time and I get a messege. I look and its from my brother Kio.


Kio: Hey sis
Me: Kio!! Its been so long! How are u?!
Kio: im ok. I moved in with friends and have 11.3 million fans. Wby?
Me: i could be better.
Kio: Ok the reason i texted you was because i wanted you to come to sway and meet my friends and so i can see you.
Me:oh my god I would love too Kio! When tho?
Kio: in 3 weeks?
Me: ok i get off for summer break in 2 weeks so sure.
Kio: cool, the boys will be pumped.
Me: okay love u
Kio: love u too
Me: byeeee
Kio: bye🙂

I sit down with my friends Jaxon and Aleah and we hang. "Damn babe dont stuff ur face" Jaxon laughs. "BABE?! DID YOU JUST CALL HER BABE EEK I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAYYYY!!" I scream. "Shhhhh" Jaxon says "oh yayyyyy" i whisper scream.


I get back home and I jump on my bed. I think about Kio and his friends. All my feelings twist up and I start sobbing. After 3 minutes I start driffting off.

Hey peeps. This is my new book. Im having a party so i wont be updating exept every once and a while. Hope y'all enjoy this book. Love yall. Byeeee💖💖

Broken Parts ~Jaden Hossler~Where stories live. Discover now