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Chapter one- Preface

(Y/N) P.O.V

"(Y/N), I heard you signed up for a class this semester," Maki, my best friend, had said to me as we were driving to campus. "Actually, I did."

"Why ? Shouldn't you be focusing on your research on abnormal psychology?"

"Yes. But the class I signed up for is abnormal psychology." I said to maki, keeping my eyes glued onto the road. "But didn't you take that class back in undergrad ?" Maki continued to question me.

"Yes, but this is more on an advanced level. The class is taught by Dr. Nanami Kento."

"You mean THE Nanami Kento"

"Yes, it'll aid in my research on obsessive compulsive disorder. My thesis is due in 3 years so I would like to spend my time doing field research and lab research in order to have a solid thesis." Maki opened up her phone and proceeded to also sign up for the class.

"I can't miss out on an opportunity like this. I guess we'll both be in this class. What section are you in?"

"Section 2." As Maki signed up for the class, I began to reflect on everything. For the last 6 years, I have been endlessly studying psychology. I got my undergraduate degree in psychology with a minor in biology. Proceeded to get my masters degree in forensic psychology, and now, I am pursuing my last degree in clinical psychology.

Throughout my entire academic journey, I have constantly heard of one person being mentioned in all of the journals and research I have read. Dr. Nanami Kento.

Known to be one of the greatest psychologist of the modern day, he has written over 100+ journals, led research, mentored 100s of students, and also he teaches occasionally. Though many people seem to describe him as to having some kind of narcissistic behavior, I believe we as humans all have something wrong with us. And therefore, we have no right to judge him. I have nothing but great things to say about the man.

"Earth to (Y/N), are you gonna park or what ? We have 30 minutes to get to the psychology building."

"Oh right, sorry Maki." I parked my brand new, white Acura ILX near the closest parking lot to the psychology building. Maki and I grabbed our backpacks and got out of the car, walking in the direction of the psychology building.

The walk was silent as all we could think about was the honor it will be to have Nanami teach us about abnormal psychology.

Arriving to class, I sat right in the front and Maki sat beside me on my right. Professor Nanami was not here so I decided to take out my notebook, pen, and textbook and pre-write some notes from the first chapter so that I may be able to actually focus on the lecture.

30 minutes go by before Professor Nanami walks into the classroom, holding his MacBook in one hand and coffee in the other. "Good morning everyone, as you all know, my name is Nanami Kento and I will be teaching your abnormal psychology class." He placed his laptop on the desk as well as his coffee and began to present.

"I would like to know, how many of you students have take a class similar to this one ?" Everyone except 4 students had raised their hand. "If your hand was not raised, please drop this class. This is an advanced class and I will not have students wasting my time."

I knew he was aggressive, but I didn't think he would kick out students from his class. Though at the same time, I can follow his train of thought behind the action.

"Now for the rest of you, how many are here from a phD program ?" Maki and I were the only two to raise our hand. "Great, are you psychology majors?"

Maki answered first. "I am not. My PhD is in biomedical engineering. However, my masters degree is in clinical psychology so therefore, I took this class as a way to expand on that knowledge." Maki, you are taking this class because it's Nanami teaching it. Not for any other reason.

"Great and what about you ?" Nanami pointed at me and I stood up from my chair to speak. "I am. My research is on obsessive compulsive disorder and it's sub-categories. Your class would aid me in my research and help me with my thesis."

"Perfect, see me after class then." And with that out of the way, Nanami began to lecture us on the ins and outs of abnormal psychology.

After 2 hours of lecture, Nanami dismisses the class and I stay behind as he had asked. With all the other students gone, I walked up to his desk and waited for him to talk to me.

"What's your name ?" He asked as he sat down at his desk. His eyes looking at mine. "(Y/N) (L/N)." He didn't say anything and instead began to type away at his computer. It seemed like forever before he decided to speak to me again.

"I see. Valedictorian in undergrad. Background in biology, top of the class in graduate school. Already has been featured in 20 different research journals, school gifted you a luxury car for your breakthrough research in excited Cantatonia which led to multiple people being treated. You are quite the impressive one."

"H-how did you know?" I questioned his methods. "Public information. News articles, journal articles, the schools page, etc. But you have caught my eye..how about I aid you in your research ?"

"Wait..really ?"

"Yes. I would love to see you shine more and I can help with that. How about it ?" I was jumping in joy. Of course I would want Nanami to aid me.

"Yes, ummm when should we meet again ?"

"Let's meet again when you have some material to give me. Say..I'll give you a month." I nodded my head in agreement. "Yes, I'll have some stuff ready by then. Thank you," I bowed deeply before heading out of the classroom and meeting up with maki in our research lab.

Nanami's P.O.V

I watched (Y/N) exit the classroom with a look of joy on her face. Once she was completely gone, I stood up from my chair and noticed her jacket was sitting at her desk. She must've left it here on accident.

Going over to her desk, I grabbed the jacket and I examined it before taking a big whiff of her scent from it. "Ahhhh...," I moaned out into the empty classroom. Her perfume smelled feminine yet give off a mature and sexy aura to it. The entire time in class I was turned on by her smell that radiates throughout the classroom and her beautiful features.

I walked back to my desk with the jacket still in hand, beginning to unzip my pants and pull out my hard penis. "It's as if though fate brought us together." I threw my head back and began to masturbate at the thought of (Y/N).

I continued to stroke my penis, getting faster as I thought about the sound of her voice, her smell, her facial features, her intelligence. I wanna cherish her, protect her from harm, and keep her all to myself. I've never felt this way about someone before but boy was this an exciting emotion to finally experience. Is this..love at first sight ?

And in less than 2 minutes, I had came all over her jacket that was in my hand. I never thought I would experience emotions..especially not love. It's almost..euphoric in a sense. I'm gonna make her mine, and when she's mine, I'll protect her from everything...don't worry..

I'll take care of you my kitten~ 💞

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