• Toxic headcannons •

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- Uses your insecurities against you during arguments
- he'll tell you it's not a big deal if you start crying
- murders anyone who touches you or looks at you
- Occasionally he tend to guilt trip you after an argument


- He's unfaithful
- and when you confront him about it he just gets upset with you and tell you that your just jealous or overly emotional
- he secretly likes to see you cry
- he gets a thing out of seeing you cry
- he also checks your phone without your permission
- talks trash about you to the L.O.V behind your back


- Makes jokes about you that he goes to far
- and when you tell him to stop he'll just snicker and say "I was kidding. Why are you overeacting?"
- he will flirt with other girls in front of you
- you once heard him tell the others he's only dating you because he was bored
- doesn't put any effort in the realationship

Mr. compress:

- Can't express his emotions
- he's dishonest about his feelings about you and unsupportive
- he didn't really take you or the relationship serious
- he constantly sees himself as the victim
- hurts your feelings when he's bored
- he also bends the truth in arguments to make you look bad


- Doesn't pay attention to you he mostly gives all his attention to others
- its like... he puts anothers before you (does that make sense)
- when you try to interact with him he flat out ignores you
- when you bother him while he's doing something he'll (most likely) yell at you
- manipulative
- doesn't really care about you or the relationship


- He's very controlling
- you can't hide anything from him
- expects you to text him back right away
- he gets angry with you when you try to hug or kiss him
- calls you a germ- (not thats its a big insult lol)
- he's not physically affectionate
- yells at you over small things "why can't you do anything right...!" "You're doing it wrong"

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