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Ichika took a deep breath to collect herself, loosely gripping the door handle. The black haired woman couldn't get how upset Peter was yesterday. She wanted to help him financially she needed all the money from her job at the strip club to pay for her own schooling. 

Ichika pushed the thoughts out of her head, she needed to finish her shift and she'd figure out what to do after the private booking. She swallowed her nerves. Just give them a lap dance or two. Her supervisor had said. She gained her bearings, snapping her head up, ready to put on a good show. She grips the handle with more purpose and is about to open it when she hears a male voice say something that piques her interest.

"...Bailey's such a bitch like that."

The club owner?  Ichika thought. What would they have against a 60 year old business woman??

She hears a second, deeper voice, agree with the first. Both have thick accents. Must be South Siders... "I know!" the second voice said, the owner of which must have been leaning against the door, "How hard is it to ask for one of her agents to kill a man. 'Back ordered' my ass."

"We just need to find an independent hitman is all."

Ichika raised an eyebrow, leaning impossibly closer to the crack in the door.

"Yeah because, there's such a huge market of them!" The second replied sarcastically.

"Keep your voice down, Felix!" The first voice hushed.

"No, Chris. I told you we should have stayed South End!"

The first voice, Chris, sighed harshly, lowering his voice so Ichika had to press her ear against the crack. "They're sloppy in the South."

Ichika could hear Felix's eye roll. "And speaking of sloppy, I thought we ordered one of her regular whores tonight," he grumbled.

It took Ichika a moment to realize that he was talking about her. In her haste, she whipped the door open, almost knocking, the one she presumed to be Felix, over. She bowed deep, trying to figure out what her actually plan was. 

"D-deepest apologies, Sirs," she started to say, finding a particular sparkle on her shoe very interesting. "There was uh- a back order." stupid! She mentally slapped herself for her choice of words.

"Just our luck..." Chris grumbled under his breath.

She straightened up, "I couldn't help but overhear and um.. I have a proposition for you..."

The two men exchanged an intrigued look. 

"Go on."



Ayy its me again!! This is a snippet from the first chapter and its gonna be a looong one (aiming for 4-5k words) so stay tuned folks! I hope for it to be out by June 5th as I'm at just over 3.5k rn. I'd love feedback as always and I can't wait to hear from you! 

I'm going to be as consistent as possible with this fic, hoping to only take a month between updates (with consistent writing!) though if I haven't updating in a while, feel free to come yell at me lol

if you want to be added to the tag list for this story, tell me your favourite genre of music as a comment on this passage :)

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