Chapter 18

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Bakugou's POV
Everything was so blurry, Everything hurts, I'm gonna die, I knew it, but it was all to protect izuku...

Deku's POV
After what happen yesterday, I dont know what to say to be honest, I cant believe that bitch, why just why kacchan why do you have to leave me so soon. I take a deep breath and start walking to class, as I entered the teacher wasn't here yet the whole class were being crackheads, that's why I love them

Asui: hey midoriya are you feeling okay? You look blue ^Ribit^

Kirishima: yeah bro you do look sad, you usually come in really happy with bakugou, that reminds me where is he? Is he sick ?

I felt tears come to my eyes. That's when I pointed to Hikaru

It's her fault, she did it kacchan isn't here because of her! Everyone started looking at her

Hikaru: Ugh I didn't even do anything

Deku: Yes you do, you know everything you did you hired so man to rape kacchan his in the hospital because of you, his probably not even gonna live!

1A: did you really do that Hikaru

Hikaru:Uhhh um well

Mina: I cant believe you!

As everyone started yelling at her I got a phone call so I stepped out for a minute and answered it,


Oh yes hi is this izuku midoriya

Yes it is, May I help you

Ah yes you can, is your partner katsuki bakugou

Um yes he is why do you ask?

Oh well, his waiting for you dear

Wait do you mean?!

Yes sweetie I do, he survived

Thank you thank you so much

Yourwelcome sir, would you like to come see him

I would love to!

Alrighty, your more welcome to

That's when I hung up and ran out of UA to the Emergency room not caring what the class was gonna do to Hikaru

It was only a few blocks away but I reached it. I remember his number and was went into the room to see katsuki's Mom and his dad crying sitting by him. I see katsuki's face had lots of scars, it doesn't matter tho they'll leave soon anyway but he looked beautiful either way. I see him turn to me, I didn't say anything I gave him a big hug. Nerd I'm fine stop being a crybaby I'm not kacchan I just missed you I missed you to nerd. I kissed him gently. Dont worry kacchan I'm gonna protect you Tch I dont need you to protect me I can save myself you know. I know you can kacchan but still he just smiled

I'm gonna always protect you

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