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Naruto woke up in a different bed than hers. It wasn't an unpleasant thought, opposite in fact. She really enjoyed the feel of the bed. It was big, warm, and smelled like Kakashi.

'kakashi!' Naruto opened her eyes. As the events of what happened before she fell asleep came back. She blushed. She was in her sensei's house, on his bed. She could practically feel Jiraiya congratulating her from beyond the grave for making it into a man's bed.

'kit, you should get up.'


'Your mate is getting agitated about something and it's disturbing my beauty sleep.'

Naruto got up. Feeling a blanket fall off of her. She stumbled to the bedroom door. With her hand on the handle, she took a look around the room. It was a nice comfortable room. She would've minded waking up in this room again, but she knew this was a one time thing.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and go to your human. And calm him down, my pelt will never be silky smooth if this keeps going.'

Naruto rolled her eyes, and turned the door knob. When she stepped into her sensei's living room the thing that attracted her attention was Kakashi holding her book. Her face flushed at the sight.

"What are you reading Sensei?"

'I believe he's reading the porn you wrote."

Her face flushed darker at the foxes words. To make things worse, she was so busy cursing out Kurama that she missed what Kakashi had said.

"Sorry the fox was saying something and I missed what you said."

Kakashi nodded, "I'm reading a book that Sakura recommended." Naruto nodded, moving over to sit next to him.

"I've read it, and the new one." She said after a moment. She was terrible lier, and she would look stupid trying to play dumb to the book.

"Ma, did you like it?" Kakashi leaned back to the side giving Naruto more room.

Naruto pulled her knees to her chest. Putting her chin on top. "Yeah, I like the main character, she's my favorite."

Kakashi looked at her from over the book. Her eyes had a vacant look, seemingly looking into nothing. The work shirt she had on was now rumpled, she looked like a well loved doll with several years more of play in her.


"She reminds me of myself, with the ramen and being lonely." She looked down at her feet. Kakashi nodded and he understood what the younger girl was trying to say.

"Ma, ma, I don't know if I have any favorites. But the main character is adorable, and it is fun to watch her come up with excuses." Naruto snorted.

"Of course that's what you lach on too." She shook her head. She looked amused. She looked at him with an unreadable expression in her eye. As soon as it was there it was gone, her eyes turned sad.

“What's wrong, Naruto?” she shrugged.

“It's nothing sensei.”

“Come on Naruto. You can tell your sensei. This old man won't laugh.” Naruto smiled.

She hesitated. ‘Is this a good idea to talk to Kakashi of all people to talk about this? He’s just as smart as Sasuke and if teme could figure it out then sensei definitely will.’

‘Kit, stop sulking. You're not acting like the ninja I know you are.”

‘Kurama, you stupid fuzz ball!’

‘Just talk to him you meat sack!’

“There's this guy I like, but I don't think he knows I'm even there.” Naruto didn't look at Kakashi because she was afraid of what she would see. Rejection? Repulsion? Hatred?

Kakashi looked at his Hokage, and understood something. She was in a delicate state. She was heart broken, and probably looking for someone to talk to. This needed to be handled carefully.

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