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“What?”he choked out

“I have loved you since I was twelve” she said evenly. “It was the wave mission. You were fighting against Zabuza to protect us. You were amazing, and it made me fall for you. Of course back then it was more like a crush.”

Kakashi blinked, he wasn't sure what to say. “Then you started training Sasuke by himself all the time and I was so jealous. I wanted you to pay attention to me. I was such a little kid. Then when I got it, it was at the expense of my best friend. Then When I came back I learned more about you. I fell in love with you.”

Kakashi wasn't sure what to tell the girl. He was trying to figure out what exactly to say. But it was getting increasingly hard to do so. She sighed, and straightened. She got up off of him. She offered him her hand, and on instinct he took it. She went to the front door and started to look for her shoes. Unfeeling and unthinking, Kakashi just watched. What had just happened didn't seem to click into his brain.

Naruto turned back to face him, hand on hand, “I know you don't feel the same way, especially after what I just did, but I'll still love you.” The door closed and he was left in the apartment aloun not knowing what happened. 

‘Sensei’s going to kill me! Naruto is his little girl! Now she likes me! He's going to flamby me for he likeingme, then for breaking her heart! Indeed to talk to someone, but someone who knows to keep their mouths shut.’

Making the signs quickly, he summoned pakkun. The pug appeared in Kakashi’s apartment with his signature expression. The little dog was not in the mood for whatever mission Kakashi had dragged him on. He was still tired from the six months of undercover. There were too many kids and they were drooling in his ear. The pug looked at his summoner and he was starting to worry.

The tiny pug had been with him since Kakashi had lost his father. He had been able to learn to read his expressions pretty well. What Pakkun saw was Kakashi slightly pale, and confused.

“Hey Pup.” Pakkun tried to keep his voice calm and soothing. It was a tone he didn't use with Kakashi much anymore. “How are you feeling?”

“I don't know, Pakkun.” KAkashi stumbled to the couch and slumped down. Pulling down his mask. Rubbing his hand over his face. He felt the stubble on his chin, sighing long and drawn out.

Pakkun padded forward, jumping up next to Kakashi, looking up in his face. “Come on pup, tell me what's wrong.”

Kakashi looked at the Pug, Mind blank except for the one new fact that he had just learned. “Did you know that Naruto likes me?” Pakkun raised a surprised eyebrow.

“Did that pup finally tell you? Good, i won the bet”

“Bet?” the pug shrugged.

“Me and the boys had a bet whether or not you would catch on or she would tell you first.”

“You bet on me?”

“On Naruto.”

“That is horrible.” then what the pug had said sunk in. “Wait, so all of you know!”

Pakkun rolled his eyes. “Yes Kakashi, basically all of her friends knew. But by the time they knew it was after Pain so no one mentenchened it to her or you. Out of respect.”

“How did I not notice?” Kakashi was in misery. He hadn't really known his student very much had he. Was there anything else he didn't know? Kakashi looked over to the orange book on the arm of the couch. He looked at the back once more. At that moment he understood the pen name, and connected it to the author.

It was clever in a way, no one really thought of her like that any more. He had heard a lot of words to describe Naruto: Angel, Hyper, Orange, Hero. Never Demon. Not anymore. Still the author was Naruto Uzumaki. She was writing books like Jiraiy. Kakashi paled. Which  meant she based it on her life and fantasies.

“Oh did the pup publish it?” KAkashi looked at his dog surprised, and confused. Which was what his whole day felt like.

“How did you know Naruto wrote it?”

“I proofread that book. I enjoyed it” Kakashi looked at the back again.

“The main character is Naruto?” that pug nodded. Kakashi frowned. “Then what did the village do to the main character?” Pakkun grew visibly uncomfortable.

“Not my pla-, just read it pup.”

Kakashi opened the book  to where he left: the confession.”

“Sensei, I love you.” Shiori looked at Satsuki. Not understanding. “I've loved you since I was twelve. Dont hate me!” Shiori brought the small girl into a tight embrace.

“I could never hate you Satsuki. I may not feel the exact same way as you, but there is no way I could ever hate you.”

Satsuki broke down in tears in her sensei’s arms. Her blue bell eyes, watering, looked up into his stone ones. She went up on her tiptoes and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.

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