Chapter 18: Finally Free

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"The hate of one man can be a powerful weapon in the right hands... but combine that with a hate of all things... and you might begin to realize just how badly we fucked up."


Satanael disappeared like ash as he heard a loud crash as everyone collided together in the room. He immediately turned his attention to the room containing James, Carlisle had been thrown through it...

"Where did that infernal creature run off to..." 

Rosalie remarked angrily. Edward took a deep breath as he felt something, almost on instinct, the rest of the family dodged out of the way as he saw something fly past him, slamming through the front door and knocking its hinges off, he looked outside and saw Carlisle, with Gabriel's Sword planted straight through his chest... he was alive, but barely. The few wolves that were active gathered around protectively and Edward quickly rushed outside to aid his Dad.

"Everyone, listen to me WELL, James has turned hostile. None of you are safe here, please, since my Father is impaired I will make this decision for myself, under this situation, I nullify the pact agreement for restricted travel for the time being, we are all in danger now. Jacob! If you can hear me, try to get everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE evacuated as soon as possible-"

He was interrupted by Emmett flying out the window, a sizable hole missing in his chest, alive and conscious but barely, less than half a second later, Alice came crashing down the stairs into the ground. James was really a terrifying force of nature...

The wolf pack growled at a approaching presence, he turned and saw James, holding both Esme and Jasper in a death grip, he could already see the fracturing around their necks...

Suddenly a large black wolf launched itself through the crowd into James, knocking both out of his grip and sending him reeling back into the house.

He heard a sickening laughter as James slowly picked himself up.

"Now now now Sam... If I didn't know any better... I'd think you were trying to kill me mutt."

The Wolf growled at James as the Cullen's began to retreat, Edward watched as the wolf pack converged almost all at once at James.... Jacob, Leah, and a newly transformed Seth were missing... But all 5 of the other pack members were circling James. He couldn't bear to watch his beloved rip these poor people apart, He grabbed Carlisle, the Sword fell out as Carlisle gasped for air, waking back up, but Edward was already running... The Cullen's were having to retreat...


Thanks to quick help from Leah and her little brother, the evacuation was quick. Most of the residents were already awakened by the commotion, and it was easy to get everyone off the reserve.

He was helping the children into the bus when he felt a sharp sting in his heart, Leah almost collapsed as she screamed, and Seth whimpered in great pain.

Seth and Leah looked over at him with tears in their eyes.

"Paul... and Jared..."

Leah cried, but Jacob rushed over to help her back up.

"We cant do anything now... we MAYBE have another minute or two before..."

Jacob stopped, unable to finish the sentence.

"Before the pack is completely dead..."

Seth responded as he limped over towards them, they needed to hurry, at this rate they'd be incapacitated by the pain in less than 2 minutes...

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