6. Miya's plan

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Sorry again for not updating! I swear my motivation just hates me. One moment i can write a chapter easily but the next i keep promising myself ''i'll write it tomorrow'' so i never get it done. :') However! I hope you like this one

Miya has had enough. What the hell was going on with Reki and Langa? Sure, Miya could be ignorant and act like he didn't care for the two but they ment more than the world for him. So, if he was unable to contact them through phone, he's going to meet them in real life. But where? Miya hasn't seen them at ''S'' lately. And their usual training place? Nope. Not there. School? He doesn't know where their school is. JOE's restaurant? Unlikely, but yeah, he tried. No results.

So where the hell could Miya look? Where could he finally find them and talk to them? Miya had no idea. But he knew, Reki was being selfish. A coward. Running away again. Just like last time...

But Miya has had enough. 

''Listen up!'' Miya shouted at JOE.

''Why are you yelling, MIYA?'' Joe answered rather confused.

Miya paused for a second looking at Joe thinking of what to say next, unsure if he can trust the old man with this. ''We're going to go find Reki!'' was the only thing the cat boy could say.

Joe's face expression said it all. 'Where? We've looked everywhere, just give up. They'll show up eventually. We're not police. And they have their own lives.'

Was Miya going to leave it at that? Hell no! Sure, he understood, of course they have their own lives. BUT! Miya really cared about them. And he was sure they did care about him back. So why...Why are they hiding? Aren't they friends?

''Well, if you're not going to help, i'll do it alone!" Miya said as he stomped out of the restaurant.


''You sure we can keep doing this, Langa..?" Reki said to his blue haired friend.

Langa nodded and simply said: ''But if you don't want to, we can stop. I'm not forcing you..''

The tone of his voice came out sadder than intended but Langa wouldn't know, after all he didn't understand emotions that well. But heck, did he know by Reki's expression it only made matters worse.

To tell the truth, the two had been ignoring the group for a while now. For what? Reki just... Felt like it i guess. He was upset. He didn't even know why. He felt awful being around such amazing skaters. No, he felt useless and worthless around them. But that's not the Reki they knew. The Reki they know is cheerful and never gives up. Reki is an amazing person, kind, and brighter than the sun. 

So when will they stop this ghosting of theirs?


Miya was walking around his room, he didn't have time for this! He had another stupid interview coming up but all he could think of was Reki and Langa. Miya was tired, not like the sleep tired, but the tired when you're just sick of something. While others may describe Miya as 'selfish' in this situation, all he wanted to know was if his friends were okay. But how could he know? It's been a few days. He hasn't talked to them at all. He has tried even using random phones to call the redhead but of course, he just doesn't answer if he even picks up! Why is this so frustrating!?

Why can't the redhead just talk to him? Whatever. He's going to find out everything. First, his number of course he wrote it down just incase. So, how exactly is that going to help...?

Miya is still so young. It's natural for him to be nervous in this situation(and not think logically) so the only thing he can do is, go to Reki's house.

But...Where does Reki live??

...Yeah, that's a problem. Wait. That's it! Reki's job. Why wouldn't he be there!? Miya was so caught up in his thoughts he completely forgot Reki worked part-time! Hah, now at least he knows where to find him.

Miya wrote a little plan:

Getting slime(Reki) to stop ignoring me.

1. Go to his workplace

2. Smack him so he can't run away.

3. Talk to him

''This will work!'' Miya thought as he took his skateboard preparing to go. Oh, this is going to be interesting.

Sorry, this chapter isn't like it's supposed to be. I promise after this is over i'll go back to writing texts! Sorry again for not updating, have a nice day and stay safe!

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