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Whānau = Family
Pāpā = Father
Māmā = Mother

Idioti = Idiots

Word count: 959



As we approached the land beneath, I balled up my clammy hands and tried to control my heavy breathing. I turned to face the window of the plane, watching the world outside. Beside me, a lady was sleeping peacefully. Suddenly, the plane shook and my eyes widened in fear. I unclenched my hands so that I could grip the two armrests. This was my first time flying, so everything was new to me. Every time I felt any movement, even if it was slight, I would become anxious and tense up.

I look up and watch the seat belt sign go on. The captain made some announcements about landing, but all I could think of was my Whānau. I hope they are kind and loving, I guess Jacob was at the start too.

I felt a thud, as the wheels hit the road and the plane shook. I'm here.


Jill had said that one of my brothers would be here, holding a sign with my name on it. There was no one.

I've scanned the area 5 times. I don't know what he looks like nor do I know his name. I anxiously make my way to a free seat, dropping the bag to my side.



I lightly tug at the loose strand of hair by her ear and lean in closer, my breath fanning over her neck. I observed her shivering and couldn't help but smirk.

"Cute dress, Goldilocks." I look down at her chest as it rises and falls. She blushes and turns her head. As she does my phone vibrates through my pocket and I groan.

My brother, Alessandro, is calling me. I look back at the girl, whose name I can't recall, Lucy or Lilly maybe and I sigh. "I need to take this," she nods and I walk a few steps away.

"What?" I snapped through the phone, annoyed at my cockblocking brother.

"Lorenzo," he said in a warning tone. I sighed, waiting for him to continue. "Something came up, and I need you to pick up Maia from the airport. I'll send you the details now. Bye." I looked at the phone, gritting my teeth.

I looked back at her, and she gazed up at me with doe eyes. "Is everything okay?" she asked softly as I approached her side.

I sighed and said, "I need to go."

"Why?" she said, sounding sad.

"Something came up," I mumbled as I grabbed my jacket from the chair and walked out of her apartment.



A man sat beside me with his headphones perched on his head and I listened as a song blasted out. I smiled to myself, it had been a long time since I last heard music and I missed it so.

A pair of sleek black shoes stopped directly in front of me, just as the song changed. I slowly craned my head up, and a tall man stood and scowled before me.

I shivered as he said my name. He must be my brother. I looked closer and noticed he had mothers eyes. I bit my lip, cursing myself for the tears that prickled my eyes.

He grabbed my bag and my arm, dragging me upwards.  I hissed as his fingers dug in too deep. He glanced at me and let go, rolling his eyes.

"Let's go," was all he said before walking towards the exit. I quickly followed as he led us to his car. He opened up the boot and chucked the bag in, before making his way to the driver's side. he looked at me expediently as I stood awkwardly on the pavement.

I jumped in the front seat after that and looked out the window as he sped off.

The whole ride we were both silent.

He pulled into this driveway, it was long and filled with trees. Soon a rather large mansion came into view. I gasped, they're rich.

So my Whānau has been living here without having to worry about eating or simply living while my mother and I suffered all those years. Pft. I almost rolled my eyes but refrained as I didn't want to be beaten within the first few minutes of being there.

As the engine stops, two boys stumble out the door, both with big grins.

They make their wave over, ignoring the brother who drove us here and straight to my door. I looked down at my shoes and gripped the seatbelt in fear. The door opens next to me, and a slight chill in the air sends shivers down my spine.

"Maia," they both shout as one wraps his arms around me in a tight bear hug. I flinch, pain shooting all through me. Two seconds later I'm free.

"You two idioti, inside now," said the guy who picked me up. I looked up in time to see them both rolling their eyes before stalking off and obeying his command.

"Are you going to hop out or stay in the car all day," he grumbles, throwing my bag over his shoulder.  I quickly jump out, I don't want to upset him. He looks much stronger than Jacob ever was. 

I follow him silently into the house. my eyes widen at the sight of it all. Before I have time to properly take it all in, the man stalks off. I shuffle my feet as he leads us into the living room. It's bigger than the house Māmā and I lived in. The two boys from before were seated, grinning in my direction. Truth be told it creeped me out a little.

"Alessandro," one of them said. I turned around to see an older man standing behind me. He looked both stern and prideful. I shudder at his intense gaze.

"Welcome home Maia."

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