My Crusty Ass Homophobic Pre-school

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So just in case you didn't know, I'm a lesbian.  I found out in 7th Grade but to be completely honest I don't understand why I didn't realize earlier as I've always kinda known that I liked girls. Here's my first memory of being hella gay and it takes place in preschool.

Since my preschool was very religious, and named after a confederate general you can be positive that at least 2/3 of the staff where bigots. So when they told me to draw what I wanted to be when I grew up, they where a pretty shocked about the project I came up with. I drew a boy kissing a girl on the cheek, and when they asked if I wanted to be married and having kids, I said in my usual blunt fashion that the girl was in fact, MY GIRLFRIEND. To which I explained that I wanted to be a man so that I could have a girlfriend because girls are pretty. The staff told me that I was wrong  for wanting this, to which I replied "Why? Johnny wants to be a dad why can't I have a wife too?" 

So I got sent home for this, and since my parents weren't picking up, they called my emergency contact. My emergency contact at the time was my Aunt Pam (fun fact: she's a lesbian too). So when they explained why she needed to pick me up, she replied with "okay, my girlfriend and I will be there  in 15 minutes." Needless to say, the staff weren't impressed and basically said that's why I'm a *insert f slur here because I'm no comfy typing it* 

I never went't back and I'm not sure if that's because I was kicked out or because my parents chose for me to be taken out.

A/N sorry for the short update after being MIA for so long, I had a lot of shit with school and my health and couldn't really update due to that. Good News though! I am stable, going to be ending school in a couple of  weeks so I hopefully will update more frequently! I hope you all are staying healthy, wearing your damn mask and maybe even getting vaccinated! 

 Anyway we have your regularly scheduled pole

Me bitching about school in honor of summer break coming up


My weird camping stories

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