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Sonic's pov

"Okay Sonic that should just about do it!" Tails said excitement in his voice.

I looked at the watch like device he had just strapped to my wrist.

"Now your sure that this will work?" I asked a little unsure.

"Positive it should get you to and back from Earth in one piece. But your going to need to find the Chaos Emerald in order to get back as that's the only way you can power the device." Tails explained.

I was about to travel back to Earth. After I came back it turns out I had only been gone a couple of hours but Knuckles was furious with me when he found out that I'd accidently left the Chaos Emerald behind. Tails was able to make a device that could transport me to the last place I was on Earth. So I should be transported to the woods where I met (Y/N). With a bit of luck I'm hoping that she would have picked it up and kept it safe. If that happened then all I'll have to do is find her.

However there was going to be a slight problem. One month in Mobius equals to one year in the human world. So (Y/N) will be six years older now considering I hadn't returned to Earth in the past six months. But that's how long it had taken Tails to build the device. And there was one major draw back. I had to go alone. Well more like if anyone was to come with me then they too would need a device and it would take Tails another six months to make another.

Meaning that it would be one year for me but twelve years for (Y/N). So to be honest I wanted to get back there as soon as possible as I now cared for the little kid. I wanted to make sure that she was okay and doing well. Even though it was me that helped her when I was on Earth she still helped me in little ways. Also I wanted to do it by myself because I admit even to myself that it was my fault that I lost the Chaos Emerald. So I wanted to take of it myself. But don't tell Knuckles that.

"So just press that button and you should be good to go." Tails said.

I pushed the button and surely enough a portal appeared. I was about to jump through it when Tails said something else.

"B-be careful Sonic." he said with a sad expression.

"Don't worry Tails I'll be back before you know it!" I said giving him a wink.

He gave a smile at that. I then jumped through the portal. A couple of seconds I found myself in the same forest that I had been in six months ago. It wasn't as green in fact it was rather brown and depressing looking. But it did look reasonably familiar. The first thing I tried was calling for (Y/N) to see if she was anywhere nearby.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" I called.

Not surprisingly I got no answer. So I started to run in random directions but carefully looking for a purple glow and keeping track of which direction I was going. I stopped in some sort of orchard it was a rather open area so I gave a glance around but my eyes locked onto what appeared to be a girl sleeping resting against the tree. She was a distance away from me so I couldn't see her that clearly but she looked sort of attractive, giving a shake of my head I quickly ran in the direction of where I met (Y/N) not wanting to disturb or alert who ever it was. Once I was a distance away I tried calling for (Y/N) again.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!"

Still no answer. I gave a sigh in frustration. I'm used to doing things fast but I guess I'm going have to accept that this time that this is going to take a bit of time.


Suddenly it started to rain but only lightly and I could hear thunder and lightening a short distance away. I then got worried about that girl asleep at the tree if she was there and the tree was struck by lightening, well that would be bad news. I started to run back the way I came but then collided with something and hit the ground fairly hard. I gave a loud groan but then there in front of me was the Chaos Emerald!

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