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Chapter 3

I answered Tata's call.

"Hey hello?" I nervously answered.

I don't know why I'm nervous.

Finally, even if we don't meet, at least I will hear his voice.

"Hi Jennie" he answered.

I was a bit quiet when I heard his voice.

Why does it seem familiar?

Yes, his voice is really familiar but I don't know who I heard it from.

But I just ignored it.

"Hi Tata!"

"Hmmm Hello"

"Why are you calling by the way?" I asked.

"Nothing , I just want to hear your voice again" he said.


Huh what again? We haven't met and talked yet, but I just now heard his voice.

"Again?" I repeat what he said.

He was a bit quiet at what I said.

"Haaa? What again?" he asked.

Maybe I heard it wrong.

"Nothing haha ​​maybe I just heard it wrong" I said.

"Hmm... how was your day?" he asked.

"Okay, how about you?" I was the one who asked "how is your day?"

"It was tiring" he said and sighed.

"Yes, you look very tired"

While we were talking, I went back to cleaning.


BREAKING NEWS: All BTS is in the South Korea.

BREAKING NEWS: All BTS is in the South Korea

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"Ahhh JK!" Lisa said loudly.

"why are you making noise Lisa" I said in a monotone.

"I'm sorry" she apologized.

"I'm leaving Lisa, I have something to go to" I said to Lisa and left.

I was walking to the park today and I thought that I will prank Tata today because I really wanted to see him.

So I quickened my pace and looked for an empty bench and sat there.

From here on the bench you can see the sea.

The weather is not hot today so I sit here.

THE FAN GIRL  (FOURMY SERIES #1)Where stories live. Discover now