Describe in your own words the relationship of Tourism Agency and Costomers.

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The Relationship of Tour Operator, Travel agency and Customer

The tour operators and travel agents. At first glance, these two jobs are rather similar, but there are clear differences. For instance, a travel agent will act on their own with the travelers, they will actually become part of the packages provided by agencies. On the other hand, tour operator will not act on their own with prospective travelers and will only offer the main packages.Tour operators offer a unique relationship opportunity for travel agents. If you cultivate a personal relationship with several companies, you can begin to customize trips for your clients. These clients will be impressed with the flexibility you offer them. This will appeal to a broader audience that is looking for more than a simple, mass produced tour. The main goal of a tour operator is to organize the services being provided to the customer, such as transportation and accommodations. The tour operator is the brains behind the beauty of vacation and they leverage their expertise and resources.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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