Wedding Prep

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Megan, Emma, Cassidy, Becca, and Savannah are meeting me at this dress shop. We made an appointment to just find bridesmaids dresses because Megan is making my wedding dress.

"How can I help you gorgeous girls this morning?" A guy with high heels and a really cute suit walks out. He has a rainbow band around his wrist and an awesome fedora on his head. His name tag says Joey. Megan steps forward and smiles. "We're looking for bridesmaids dresses. I made an appointment last week." His eyes widen. "I had no idea THE QUEEN of Fashion, Megan Wong, was in my presence. Or according to People magazine Megan Berkley now. I would've put on some foundation!"

She laughs. "Yeah but this is for my friend Jess. She's getting married in two weeks." I give a wave and Becca shoves me up front. He looks me up and down.

"Ooooooooo guuurrrllll you're GORGEOUS! Can I touch that Rapunzel hair of yours?" I nod. "Oh my god, who's the lucky guy!?" I unlock my phone and show him a picture. He whistles. "Are you both models because...WOW"

Savannah throws her hands up. "Exactly! I told them they should but noooooo.."

He laughs. "So, when's the wedding?"

"One week. December 15." I reply.

Joey's eyes grow wide. "You're just looking for a wedding dress now?! "

"No, Megan's making it. We're just looking for bridesmaid dresses."

"Of course, sorry I forgot. Okay so what are we looking for? Any dress types you have your heart sent on?"


"That's it?" I nod. "Well gurl you just made my job a whole lot easier." He walks in the back and gestures us to follow. It's a huge room filled with all kinds of dresses.

"This is our bridesmaid room." We weave our way through to the blue rack that's filled with all kinds of dresses. Some long, some short, some sparkly, some plain, it's endless.

"So, looking at these, what do you like?"

I gesture to Megan and everyone behind me. "Ask them, they're the ones wearing it."

They protest. "It's your wedding!"

I run my hand over the dresses. "I don't know. I like these light blue ones."

"Awesome!" Joey grabs all of them and brings them to the dressing rooms.

"Okay, so what sizes?" They all tell him they're sizes, and he searches through the pile and finds each of them a dress that will fit. I sit on a chair and wait for them to come out. The dress is a A-Line, Scoop Neck, Floor-Length, Chiffon Lace Dress. I don't know what half those words mean, but that's what the guy said so I went along with it. Megan is the first one to come out.

"What do you think?" She twirls around.

"I love it but you're the fashion guru so what do you think?"

Becca and Savannah come out and then Emma. "I think it's classy, and the long sleeve is perfect for winter."

Cassidy finally comes out. "How do you people change so quickly?" She huffs. I tell them to get in a group so I can take a picture and send it to Darcy, to see what he thinks. He sends back a lame thumbs up.

Joey rolls his eyes. "Straight men, they just don't understand."

Darcy sends a picture of 5 ties laid out on a table. "Which tie?"

Megan says the groomsmen should have light blue ties to match the dresses, but that Darcy should just get a black tie. I text him what Megan said, and then put my phone away.

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