Part 2 | no smut

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It's the following morning and Ava wakes up with a hangover so bad she immediately has to rush to the bathroom, she hangs over the toilet, she feels someone coming from behind her and looks up for a second, she sees its Sara. Sara takes her hair and strokes her back. Ava spends some more time over toilet before she decides she should be fine. She gets up and looks her girlfriend in the eyes, " I'd kiss you but my breath smells like vomit" she says, Sara answers with a kiss on Ava's cheek "Who said I had to kiss your lips?' she answered, Sara walked away while still holding Ava's hand, she let go only when she had to. Ava changes her clothes into grey sweats and Sara's hoodie, she walked down to the kitchen and tried to eat some breakfast. 'Ava you don't look good.' Spooner pointed out. 'Hey, she looks great.' Sara said walking towards her. Ava smiled.

After breakfast Ava and Sara went to their bedroom and just sat on their bed and watched a movie. They wanted to make today a slow and relaxed day. Ava and  Sara both had to miss each other for so long that just being close to each other was enough to keep them happy, 'Captains you are requested at the bridge." Gideon said over the intercom, Ava sighed as Sara got up "Come on babe, can't let the kids ruin the place." Sara said mocking their team. "yeah I know, I just wished we could have a day off sometimes." Ava responded as she got up. Sara slowly pulled Ava in for a kiss, "We'll plan a day off soon." she said before she kissed her.

They walked to the bridge together and found the legends standing in a line, they all looked concerned at Sara and then to Ava. "Spit it out guys.' Sara said to the team "We have a problem." Nate answers, "We could totally handle it on our own but we just wanted to make sure you guys knew about it." He continues. "What's the problem?" Ava answers "Well the Alien that abducted Sara kind off wants her back" Zari says while looking at them both. Ava takes a deep breath. " That's impossible I killed her." Sara says confused. "Apparently there are more" Nate says " I'll come with you" Sara answers, "Absolutely not!" Ava says concerned look at her fiancee. "I cant lose you again" She continued. "Ava" Sara said before getting interrupted. "Nate says they can handle it, let them handle it, if you're going to go after them after you killed on of their own they will kill you, and I can not let them take you again, not when I just got you back." Sara doesn't have the words to answer. She gives Ava a kiss and keeps her hand on her cheek. "I'll stay here" she says. She turns to the team and says: "I'll monitor you from here, keep me on com." "Will do captain" Behrad answers.


Soft and short chapter today bc I wasn't really feeling a smut chapter.

Anyway hope you had a good time reading it! :)

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