Ice Breaker

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 People are always running. The world does not stop spinning even for a second. So, why should we ever stop? Could one moment change our fate forever?

 The rain is shattering like glass on the street. My auburn curls are drenched and my pencil skirt is ruined. This meeting, a pivotal moment in my career is an hour away and there isn't a drop of caffeine in my bloodstream. How am I supposed to present the most avant-guard technology on Earth to a panel of the most respected investors in this state?

 I clench my jaw as I rush among the faces in the crowd. The humidity is not helping and I become brusquely aware of the hot mess I am when I glance at the Timmies' window. I need my French Vanilla stat.

 I walk into the coffee shop and the frantic energy of the impatient customers is overwhelming. 

"John... Order for John!"

"I specifically requested no sugar...I am diabetic!", shouted a bossy woman to the trembling barista. 

I sympathized with her instantly. I would never know if my ability to absorb other people's energies is a blessing or a curse. My friend Sam would claim it's a waste of time and energy. I prefer to define it as my special sixth sense. Mhm, the smell of freshly ground coffee beans distracts me from my chaotic thoughts. 

Last night, I was unable to fall asleep. At first, I thought it was the anxious anticipation of today's presentation. When I replayed the daunting dream in my head, I realized that I was seeing this same face over the last several months. Who was he? How can one dream of someone they never met?

"Welcome to Tim Hortons! What can I get for you today?"

"One small French Vanilla, please", I ordered without looking up, distracted by the urgent messages from my boss.

"May I suggest that you try the new Cold Brew coffee? It is rather refreshing"

"Sure, whatever."

I grabbed the cup and took a rushed sip in between texts. The cold liquid rolled over my tongue, with a delicious velvety aftertaste that electrified my senses.

I looked up and I froze in that one moment. It was him, undoubtedly. The man from my dreams. His adorable curls were framing his youthful face and a bright smile was illuminating his sparkling, blue eyes. He looked familiar as if we had known each other lifetimes ago.

"It's you."

I was positive that I heard this. Except, I did not utter these words. The boy's plump lips have not moved either. He was in front of me and in my head, simultaneously.

Perturbed and mildly awakened, I chugged the mysteriously refreshing potion and I rushed outside. When I glanced over my shoulder, he was standing tall, smiling. I wasn't nervous anymore. Deep down, I knew we would meet again. I could have sworn that his thoughts infiltrated mine when our eyes met each other one last time.

"May we meet again."

Ice BreakerWhere stories live. Discover now