The Strange Stranger from China!

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3rd Person POV~

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3rd Person POV~

It was a beautiful day in Nerima, Tokyo. The Two Young tendo sisters were currently working out getting stronger. one of the two laughed as she dodge the others attacks. "come on Akane you have to be quicker than that!" The youngest Tendo sister said as she dodged her other sisters attacks by feeling the vibrations from the floor.

"stop dodging!" Akane said getting a bit frustrated not being able to land a hit on her younger sister. (Y/N) smirked a bit as she kept dodging before stomping her foot on the floor making akane fall down making (Y/N) giggled as akane lightly glared at her.

(Y/N) held her hand out to where she had fallen as akane accept her hand as she stood up with a small sigh. "Your alot better than me (Y/N) even if your blind" Akane muttered which (Y/N) heard as she smiled at her older sister with her white eyes.

"i can still feel the vibrations from the ground" She said pointing at her bare feet even though she could see, she can still feel where her oppoeints can be thanks to her earthbending skill. then the two of them heard clapping, looking over as Akane noticed their older sister Nabiki.

"great job (Y/N), your even better than akane" Nabiki said teasingly which made her youngest sister smile while Akane glared at Nabiki. "but regardless if you guys keep fighting no guys will be into you" Nabiki said smirking as akane got even angrier yet (Y/N) didn't even care about boys so she just shrugged.

"Like I care!" Akane said looking away from nabiki "I rather fight then deal with boys" she said angrily. "then i guess the news that daddy has wouldn't interest you at all" Nabiki said lightly grabbing (Y/N) hand to lead her in the main house with akane following the two wondering what nabiki was talking about.
(Y/N) POV~

"Fiancé?" Kasumi said a bit surprised as my three older sisters stared at our father. I was equally shocked as well but i kept calm. "Yes! The son of a very good friend of mine, his name is ranma saotome! If one of you four girls were to marry him and carry on the anything goes school of martial arts then the Tendo family legacy will be set for sure!" Our Father said happily as i could feel akane getting angry at what he was saying, to be honest i agree with her sense i definitely dont want to get married.

"Hey! Wait a minute here don't we get some say on who we get to marry?!" Akane said slamming her hands on the table as i slightly placed my hand on her shoulder hoping to calm her down. She was frustrated and i could tell based on her heart beating a bit quicker than normal.

"Maybe you should wait until you meet him, you never know he might be really cute! Right daddy?" Nabiki said teasingly as i could tell she was speaking to akane and our father as he laughed a bit. "so one of us has to get married?" I asked looking to where i hear our fathers voice.

"Yes this will be a great opportunity for both family's, I'm sure you'll like him" Our Father said as i pouted not really believing him, Like Akane i didn't care about boys so i wasn't excited about getting married to someone i don't even know. "He'll be here any minute, ranma and his father have been on a training mission recently they have crossed into China" he said as i heard him hold up some type of paper.

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