Shooting Guard

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The sun was beaming down on the basketball court, and Min Yoongi was drenched in sweat. He was lucky enough to have the court to himself at the moment, and he took his time jogging up and down the length of the court, shooting lazy shots and making about half of them. He could hear laughter of kids from the playground nearby, birds chirping in the trees, and his own heavy breathing in his ears. He shook his head, trying to get the sweaty strands of hair out of his eyes. He stopped at the free throw line, and took a shot. He watched the ball sail through the air in a perfect arc, and swish through the net. With a small grin, he jogged to get the runaway ball.

"Nice shooting, hot stuff!" said a voice from the other side of the court. With a loud groan, Yoongi turned around to see his best friend Taehyung leaning against the pole of the other basketball hoop. He had Raybans on to block the sun, his light brown hair was combed back and away from his face. He had a boxy shit eating grin on his face.

Yoongi threw the ball at him and was annoyed when he caught it easily in his giant hands. Taehyung bounced the ball a couple of times then held it on his hip.

"You look like you could use a break, and maybe a drink. Also a shower because you are funky."

"Whatever asshole. I've been out here like three hours. Of course I need a shower. But I guess I'll get a drink with you first." Yoongi walked over to a bench with his gym bag on it and ruffled around to find his towel to wipe off some of the sweat. He was wiping his face off on the towel when he saw a group of girls walking by. They were talking and laughing amongst themselves, but one at the end noticed him. Yoongi dropped his eyes but could still feel her eyes on him and she walked past. He wasn't particularly bulky, but still had a decent amount of muscle definition. He made a show of wiping off his neck and chest, stretching a bit and letting out a small moan. He looked up again and the girl stumbled, bumping into one of her friends. Yoongi just smirked and went back to Taehyung as the girls went on their way, laughing at their friend.

"Well look at you hot stuff, showing off for the ladies."

"Hey, I take whatever attention I can get at this point. And she was looking so why not?" Yoongi threw the towel over his shoulder, and put his arms over his head and stretched. He heard the satisfying sound of his bones and joints cracking and popping. Then he felt a finger poke his exposed stomach.

"Will you knock it off!" he swatted Taehyung's hand away irritably. "Why are you poking me?"

"Just to annoy you, obviously. Also did I detect a bit of an abdominal? Have you been doing crunches in your spare time?"

"Yes, senpai just so I hope you would notice me." Yoongi said sarcastically, pouting his lips.

Taehyung grinned, and put a finger under his chin. Yoongi momentarily froze as Taehyung lowered his sunglasses to stare at him.

"Aww, Kitten you didn't have to do that just for me," Taehyung said in a low voice.

Yoongi was frozen and blushing furiously, but snapped out of it and away from his grip. Taehyung just laughed at him.

"Fuck off," Yoongi grumbled as he made his way back to his gym bag, and threw the towel in. Taehyung was right behind him still giggling and he nearly hit him with his gym bag as he slung it over his shoulder.

Taehyung was waving a hand in front of his nose, face scrunched up in disgust.
"Ok you really need to go home and shower before we go out. You reek."

Yoongi just made a disgruntled noise and started to walk off the court. He didn't get very far though; Taehyung was right on his heels. His friend but one of his freakishly big hands on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. Yoongi met his friends surprisingly soft face.

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