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Yoongi and Jimin walked side by side down the street, shoulders occasionally bumping. Yoongi realized the other man was slightly shorter than him, and he kept casting sideways glances at his gorgeous profile. His sharp jawline and his plush lips, mouth set in a slight pout. Jimin was holding onto his bag with his cute little hands, and Yoongi noticed he had several silver rings on his fingers. His violet hair was blown back slightly from his forehead, and he had perfectly arched eyebrows. It was such a striking contrast to his pale skin, but it suited him perfectly. Yoongi wanted to run his hands through the strands, touch the back of his neck. Yoongi could feel his dick starting to strain in his pants. He let out a little cough, and Jimin giggled adorably next to him.

Jimin was also stealing glances at Yoongi. His heart was still racing from the confrontation in the alley, and after it was over and he got a good look at his rescuer, he had been sporting a half chub. Luckily his leggings and long hoodie hid the evidence of his arousal. After all, who wouldn't be turned on after a handsome stranger saved them? Jimin turned his head to study Yoongi for a moment. His eyes were so catlike and striking Jimin wanted to stare into them forever. He had a pretty doll mouth, and his lips looked made to be bitten and licked. And his hands. They were big, thick veins running along the top. Jimin wanted to feel them around his neck, and his cock.

They pair walked in comfortable silence, enjoying the cool night air. Soon they were coming up to the stairs of Yoongi's building. They stopped abruptly in the entryway, both standing in silence for a moment, neither of them sure what to do now that they were here. Yoongi coughed again to fill the silence, and Jimin shuffled his feet.

"So uhh do you, want to um, come in?" Yoongi could feel his cheeks getting hot with embarrassment.
Jimin turned his pretty face to him, smiled softly, and nodded once. Yoongi visibly relaxed as he dug his keys out his jacket pocket. Jimin watched his hands as he put the keys in the lock and turned the knob. They were so pretty and his fingers were so long, Jimin bit his lip and suppressed a groan. He wanted those hands on him bad .

Yoongi stepped into the apartment and turned on the lights, and turned around.
"Come in, please make yourself umm comfortable." His voice cracked a bit at the end and he was so embarrassed. But Jimin just stepped inside and set his bag down on the floor, and took off his shoes. He took a deep breathe, inhaling the smell of Yoongi's cologne that seemed to permeate the air of the apartment. A shiver went down Jimin's spine, cock twitching in his leggings. Yoongi walked passed him to hang up his keys and coat, taking off his own shoes on the way to the couch.

He sat down with a groan, head rolling back onto the back of the couch. Jimin was still standing by the door, not sure what to do. Yoongi turned and looked at him then, the look in his eyes suddenly hungry.

"Why don't you come sit with me, baby," Yoongi said in his deep voice, and he patted the couch beside him. Jimin gulped and walked toward the couch, feeling nervous and excited. When he stepped in front of Yoongi, he grabbed at his wrist and pulled him onto his lap. Jimin let out a small gasp at suddenly finding himself on Yoongi's considerable thighs. He could feel heat radiating from the other man, and his catlike eyes were looking at him intently. Jimin felt his cheeks turning red and he brought his sweater paws up to hide his face.

Yoongi was in heaven, and there was an angel on his lap. Jimin was an absolute vision; he fit on his lap perfectly, and he smelled lovely, he was so small and delicate. Yoongi gently put one of his hands on the small of Jimin's back, and with the other he gently pulled the other mans hands away from his face. His cherub cheeks were pink from shyness, and his bottom lip was slightly red and wet from biting. Jimin wouldn't meet his gaze, violet hair hiding his eyes.

Yoongi slowly but a hand on Jimin's cheek, and stroked his petal soft skin. Jimin's emerald eyes finally met his, and he leaned into his hand, letting out a small sigh. Even his breathe smelled sweet, and Yoongi wanted a taste. He licked his lips, and he noticed Jimin watching his mouth.

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