《 Taehyung 》

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"You're not allowed to leave this room." The door closed with a hard thud, shaking everything in the room. I sighed heavily in disbelief and sat down on the bed. As usual, I have no idea what the hell is going on. Hoseok dragged me to their mansion.

I looked around the room to find something I can do that would make time go faster, but there's nothing. Just a bed, closet and a bathroom attached. Nicely decorated, I'll have to give them that. "We don't have much time! Let's go!" I rushed to the window to see where the voices came from. I looked down they were all getting in their cars. Everyone left, which means most likely I'm completely alone. I watched the cars disappear in the distance while contemplating on whether I should leave my room or not.

All I'm doing is getting to know my environment, right? There is no harm in exploring a little. I carefully opened the door and popped my head out. There was no one to be seen. It gave me confidence to go on. I walked into the hallway cautiously, still aware about my surroundings. "What's this place so big for? Who even cleans? I don't think they do."

I was walking in the opposite direction of the stairs, wanting to know what was at the end of the hallway. But all I saw was closed door after door, that I assumed were the boys' bedrooms. Nothing interesting at all. Until I reached the complete end. A big large steel door caught my eye.

My thoughts were racing to find possibilities of what could be behind this door. Dead bodies? Weapons? Money? Torture room? The big question is, am I ready to find out? If I open the door and it's something so traumatizing, I would never be able to sleep. What if I just drop dead out of shock? I mean I'm a doctor, I know for a fact people are able to die from a shock. But what if someone is in there that needs help and I'm just too chicken to do it?

I wrapped my fingers around the doorknob and slowly opened the door. It made a loud noise as the steel was scraping against the ground. My ears felt like they were going to fall off. The room was a dark hole. I couldn't see anything. "Hello, is someone in there." I facepalmed myself after realizing nobody would be locked in here because the door was easy to open. "I hope they don't have security cameras. I probably look so dumb."

Taking a deep breath, I tried to find a light switch by only letting my hand explore the wall next to the door. I finally found the switch and turned the lights on. My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw what was in the room. A weapon room. I never saw one in real life. It's nothing like those ones in the movies. It's much more impressive.

The big ones hung around the room on the wall. Every spot was filled with massive rifles of all sorts. Chills went down my spine when I gathered all my courage and stepped foot into the room. Hundreds of weapons all together in one small room. Every item in here could kill someone in the cruelest way possible.

If they see me in this room, I'm dead meat. But it's so intriguing. They're all placed according to categories as well. "Machine guns, Glocks, Sniper rifle, Assault rifle. Oh, this is some big shit right here." The more I followed the weapons, the more my situation dawned on me. Who am I kidding? This is ridiculous. I can't do this.

"What the actual fuck are those?" My eyes widened when I saw their sword collection. "What would they possibly need swords for?" Daggers, knives and long swords extremely sharp. I could tell by how the light fell on the blades. If you trace your finger lightly over it, you'll definitely cut yourself. "This is insane. I need to get out of here."

I turned around to leave when I saw someone stand in the doorframe. My heart dropped to my stomach. This is the end. It's over. "Where does the little princess think she's going?" Taehyung's dark pearl like eyes pierced through my soul. "Weren't you supposed to not leave your room?" He chuckled while stepping closer towards me.

𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 /𝘉𝘛𝘚 +21 《ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇᴅ》Where stories live. Discover now