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"Well, what are we gonna do now!?" Iris said complaining'

 "I don't know, why are you asking me dumbass!? Think of something with that small brain of yours!" Cherr said. Actually I dont think you have one.. Cherr mumbled.

 "Ugh your no help Cherr!" Iris whined. 

 "They both stayed quiet for around 5 minutes (somehow) and that's when Midnight walked in"

 "OMG, we are SAVED!" Cherr and Iris yelled In excitement.

 "Who said I was gonna save y'all?" Midnight smirked and throws them in the closet.'

 "What the fuck!?" Cherr said 

 "Let us OUT!"Iris yelled 

 "Nah.. I rather not-" Midnight said. 

 "Nice job mid, let's hurry up and leave this place." Crystal said 

 "Yeah, let's go and roleplay." Midnight said.Crystal and Midnight both go leave, Leaving iris and Cherr stuck in a tiny closet.

 "We need to think of a way to get out.." Iris said.

 "How are we gonna get out!? We are cuffed together!" Cherr said

 "I think I know a way..." Iris said.

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