Maybe your not to bad

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        "Well what is it?!" Cherr exclaimed

        "We break the door down." Iris said

"Are you insane?!" Cherr asked

"Yes. Anyways we are going to." iris said banging down the door and the door fell. but iris was leaning on it so she tripped and landed on top of cherr

They both blushed.

"Get off of me!" cherr said. they both looked into each other eyes and looked away

"Lets go" Iris said. They left the cafe and walked around city. They actually had a fun time bc they both found out more about each other.

"Hey ladies" drew said

"drew omg HI" Iris fangirls

"Hi *winks*" Drew saidd

"Leave." Cherr said

"Jealous?" Crys asked.

"N-no." Cherr said dragging iris. iris laughed

"Maybe your not to bad."

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