"Nice to see you kiki.."

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Error pov

I left the castle because cross was bing annoying and horror was just yelling,probably about that slut he saw at the other side.Speaking of the other side I was about to meet someone...special to me,very special.I was walking through the forest wen I hear him...


"Hm? Oh hi Kiki."

And he wanted to hug me but he knows I don't like touching people...So he held himself down..just form me.

"Ruru I missed you!"

"So did I."

"Is something bothering you?"

"No...nothing is bothering me."

"...you sure...?"

"It's just good to see you Kiki"

Ink pov:

It's the first time he called me something sweet...THE FIRST TIME I WAS READY TO HAVE A STROKE BECAUSE MY HART WAS BEATING OUT OF ITS PLACE.I blushed and blushed even more every second,I'm sure he noticed that.

"Are you all right?"

"J-Just fine!"

"But you look like a....rainbow,pfff-"

"H-Hey! That's mean!"

"Sure thing Kiki."

"Hmpf- your rude Ruru!"

"Pfff- how about we go on the walk we planned on going on?"

"Seams good to me!"

On that note we started to walk through the beautiful forest,it was one of the only things separating the kingdoms so it was close to me and close to Error!We meet almost every day.Honestly.....I loved that.Error is so amazing and nice and cute and just aughhhh I just want to.....KISS HIM.

—whit Killer and Nightmare in the castle—

Killer pov:
I honestly just wanted to sleep...I didn't sleep much because I was to busy watching the beautiful stars.I love the fresh air and the sky so whenever I can't sleep or feel stressed I just go on top of the roof,it doesn't bother me if it's day or it's night but I enjoy the night more!


„Uhhh yes?"

It looked like I zoned out,how stupid of me.

„Are you ok?"

"Sure am,why is Mr.Rich boy worried about me~?"

I teased him a bit but just a bit....little did I know the outcome of this tease is going to be a fight....

„UGH stop calling me that."


„Im noting like the others or like you."

„What do you mean by „like me"? „

„Im not someone wo tried to kill the King and then join him."

„Well be grateful you have me!"

„Yeah right,your just a no-body whit no life."


„K-Killer I didn't mean- I'm sor-"

"Save your apologizes,I'm going to my room."

On that note I went up the stairs and walked to my room wich was beside that a—hole's room.I wasn't able to sit and do nothing so I entered my room closed the door almost locking it and climbed out of my window jumping on the edges of the other windows to get up to the roof

After a minute or two I was up on the roof and could see everything even what's inside the forest!...I saw ink and Error holding hands.IT WAS SO CUTE I SWEAR I WILL KILL IF ANYONE GOT IN THE WAY OF MY SHIP.But I cant enter in there lives,ofc there cute but what if they are just friends.On that note I sat down an started to think of what nighty said..

Those words hit....hard.I started to remember wen me and Nightmare first meet.
I was trying to kill him for the Crown.As I tried to kill him he grabbed me by the wrists,legs and upper-body to hold me down,awhile later he saw that I had no emotions just fear.He started to give me special treatment,he let me go out wen I wanted but if it was a bad time he would say no and if I wanted to go kill someone he would ask why and who and then let me...normally he doesn't let anyone do that.And he's been weird lately,whenever I talk to him and get close to his face he blushes? Why would he...

Words : 694

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