Chapter 7: Merry-go-round Of Life

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"Do we have to do this?"

"Scared, boy?"


"Hi, I'm Clay, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Is it, Dream?"

The blonde figure froze. The accent, the nickname. It was all coming together.

"George?" He lowered his voice, "From the village?"

"Yes, it's me."

"I came back for you. You weren't there."

His voice was soft and saddened but George was angry. George was angry at himself but was taking it out on the boy in front of him.

"I was rather busy." George spat.

Little did George know, Clay would be quick to retaliate energy. He was also left behind after a false promise and he told himself it didn't matter that much, but here he was.

"Marrying my fucking sister." Clay laughed back.

He wasn't actually laughing, but the rest of the room was getting suspicious of their elongated conversation.

"Not by choice, you know that."

"Oh, sure, sure. Why didn't you tell me you were of royal blood? It would've changed everything. Nevermind, doesn't matter. I'm leaving."

"You can't just leave." The brunette scoffed.

"You did."

"I didn't leave. I came back. Twice. I fucking cried over you."

There was a moment of silence between them and George recollected himself, taking a step back.

"Not my problem." Clay sneered, his voice low, emotionless.

"Okay, yeah, you know what? I changed my mind, you can leave. Get out."


George watched as the blonde exited the room, cape flowing, head down. The whole family stared as the door slammed and suddenly twenty pairs of eyes were on the brunette.

His mother was the first to walk over. Questioning this and that, what happened, where's he going.

"I don't know, Mother. I think we got off on the wrong foot, that's all."

"Right, well, return to the party at hand for now. Talk to your fiancé and get along well with her father, please."

"I'll certainly try."

"Thank you, George."

So he did. For the rest of the party, he was all smiles and story telling. Laughing at people's jokes. Anything to please his mother and the people.

It was about halfway through dinner when Clay was returned to the room. He was red-faced, hair messier, like he'd been running. It'd been about half an hour but he sat down and joined in like he'd never left.

George smiled at him across the table and he returned it, but they're both aware that their eyes read any other emotion than joy.

It was a gruelling two hours in George's opinion. Two hours of fake smiles and boring conversations. Two hours trying not to immediately hate the woman he's meant to marry.

He doesn't hate her, he just loves her brother.

As much as he didn't want to admit it, George did love the boy from the village and the bitterness between them was tearing him apart.

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