Months - Part One

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The king had taken my concerns to heart, and planned a relatively small ceremony.

We gathered in one of the castle's lesser used meeting rooms. The king and the princesses, Tandrin and me, and a handful of guards, advisors and other lords and ladies. I could have done without them, but I knew that wasn't an option. Besides, part of being a rich lord was learning how to pretend guards weren't constantly hovering around.

Tandrin insisted on having a tailor make me new clothes. So I was well dressed, if slightly uncomfortable, as we walked into the meeting room side by side. The clothing was just a variation of what I usually wore. Dark pants and a white tunic, but with the added flair of gold embroidery on the cuffs of my sleeves. He had new boots made for me as well, which were dark leather and still stiff. I wore my usual belt and scabbard, although I did agree to let one of Tandrin's men oil the leather. Arguably the most important part of my outfit was my blue cloak, freshly cleaned. Tandrin was just as dressed up, but for once he wasn't trying to overshadow me.

The king was dressed elaborately in gold and yellow, Zianna's colour. The princesses wore yellow dresses embroidered with flowers—black and gold for Esmeranda, white and red for Esmegara.

The walk across the room gave me plenty of time to look at the royal family, and to remember the afternoon when Finn and I had seen them in the upper city. He told me that part of the princesses' names, 'esm', was really an old Native Zian word. It had been just one of many moments of realization for me, moments when Finn would let his guard slip and reveal how intelligent he was.

Tandrin disrupted my thoughts by giving me a pat on the shoulder and then walking off to the side of the room. He left me alone in front of the king and the princesses. Tandrin had spent a significant portion of the evening before explaining everything I was supposed to do in detail, but he had never seen a champion naming ceremony before. So his instructions had consisted of a lot of 'if the king is sitting, do this. If he stands up, do that. If he offers you his hand, take it. Maybe kiss his ring, but maybe don't. You're not swearing loyalty. You're being awarded'. None of it had really been helpful.

So I fell back on the rules of etiquette I had been taught my whole life. Granted, as a Tandran, I was used to being on the other side of the arrangement.

I dropped to one knee, holding my sword steady with my left hand.

A hush fell over the room as the king stood up. "Lord Tandrix of West Draulin. A few shorts months ago I was honoured to speak at your graduation ceremony from the Order, and later that very evening you saved my life. Without your timely appearance, I may have been assassinated. The whole kingdom owes you a debt of gratitude."

He held up a tiny wooden box. It wasn't particularly fancy, but still it drew everyone's eyes. "With this ring, Lord Tandrix of West Draulin joins an illustrious brotherhood. Established by King Edarver II in the year 203, the title of Kingdom's Champion is given to any man who goes above and beyond in service to our kingdom or the crown. Lord Tandrix not only saved my life by interrupting the attack, he also singlehandedly ousted the former Director of the Order. That Lord Meyat was able to hold such a position of power for so long, while trying to undermine our kingdom, exposed a weakness in our court. Working alone, Lord Tandrix ended the threat.

"Lord Tandrix," the king was talking to me again, instead of the crowd. "While I would expect any of my knights or guards to save my life, your actions were spurred on by loyalty and nothing else. You were not serving me as a guard, and you were not investigating Meyat as an informant. Everything you did was above and beyond your duties. For that, you are a Champion. I believe my ancestors, and the Goddess herself, would agree that you deserve this award. Stand."

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