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Sanji gulped at the sound of the glove slapping Zoro skin. "Thank you. When can I go into a room." He asks. "Come this way and I'll get you set up." Zoro said.

When sanji and Zoro got to the room, Sanji was told to sit in the chair and wait a minute so Zoro can set up the ink and other materials.

"Ok you ready?" Zoro asks. "Wait you're doing the inking already?" Sanji asks. "No, we line it out on this special paper that allows it to be almost like a temporary tattoo you'd get as a kid." Zoro said.

"Oh, so like a sketch before the line art?" Sanji asks. "Something like that. Now considering this is your first tattoo I'm assuming, do you need something to bite down on?" Zoro asks. "No thank you." Sanji said.

Zoro looked at him for a second with a face of "This is my last warning and or time I will ever ask it...are you sure?" Sanji did not catch on. "Okay." Zoro said sounding a wee bit doubtful.

After placing the paper, he got out his needle and dipped it some ink. "Now are you ready ready?" Zoro asks. "Yep!" Sanji said kinda nervous but excited at the same time sticking his arm out.

Once Zoro placed the needle onto Sanji skin making a line, he said in a low concentrated voice "no turning back now~." With a teasing tone at the end.

Sanji looked at him aggravatingly thinking he'll screw up on purpose and make it look stupid.

As he was watching, he couldn't help but admire his scars, sanji thought they were cool. "How'd you get those scars on your chest?" Sanji asks.

"That's a little personal." Zoro said almost like a growl. "You're right, I'm sorry." Sanji said looking away from him and feeling the awkward tension. He then realized his face getting pink from embarrassment.

Sanji looked back again and winces a little at the pain from the needle. He saw how much Zoro has actually gotten done. "Wow, you must do a lot of tattoos. You're almost done." Sanji said.

"Please don't talk right now, I'm trying to focus." Zoro said. "What an asshole. I was right! He is rude!" Sanji thought.

Sanji then heard Zoro put down his needle and ink and taking off his gloves. "Are you done?" He asks. "Yes but don't move, there's a few more things a need to do." He said while washing his hands.

After Zoro got done he wrapped up sanji arm so that tattoo won't get ruined by other stuff he does during the day.

After that sanji went to the coat rack and put his coat on. "Hey Zoro, take this." Sanji said holding a twenty dollar bill. "What's this for?" He asks.

"For doing an amazing job and not ruining it." Sanji said. "You thought that low of me? I don't want your money." Zoro said.

"Just take it please." Sanji said. "No." Zoro said. "Take it!" Sanji said. "Fine!" Zoro yelled a little. Just as he was about to grab it, Sanji dropped in think Zoro had already grabbed it.

"I'll get it." The two of them said. The two got down and went to grab the money when they randomly looked at each other.

They stayed like that for a minute. "Hm. I guess I never realize how attractive he actually is. He has a nice sculpted face shape, and has a nice body. Probably has a girlfriend. Wouldn't be surprised. He really is good looking." Sanji thought.

The two then came back to reality and stood up quickly clearing their throats. Sanji now giving the dollar to Zoro and not dropping it this time.

"So uh, since this is your first time and you don't really know what to do, on Monday come back and we'll take care of the wrap around your tattoo to make sure you didn't ruin it." Zoro said writing on his papers.

"Yeah, thanks for-wait IM NOT GOING TO RUIN IT!" Sanji yelled a bit. "Whatever, I was just joking with you. Have a nice evening." Zoro said.

"Sure, you too." Sanji said leaving. After he left he did go to the store and buy some things for his house for tomorrow. After that he was so tired he just lied in bed watching a little TV.

Sanji then starting think about Zoro. "Asshole. What makes him think I will ruin it. Whatever, I don't care what he says! I'm gonna make sure this tattoo is safe. For Nami sake cause it's her design." Sanji thought.

"Then again, he didn't seem like such a bad guy. He actually seemed pretty chill and laid back. Sure he looked mean and cruel, but he did well." Sanji thought to himself again.

"And as much a he looked like a moss head he's attractive in a way. He definitely meets the hot guy standers." Sanji said to himself.

"Gah! What am I saying? It's not like I swing that way, I just don't have a fragile masculinity. Yeah! that's right.
Just a normal dude who can tell when another is attractive..nothing more, nothing less." Sanji said to himself before going to sleep.

Zoro and sanji. (That's the best I got)Where stories live. Discover now