Chapter 29

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I knew who Katherine was right away, aside from her wearing all white with a bright pink sash that said bride on it, I knew who she was the second we walked through the door. The way her eyes popped out of her head seeing Jo and I stroll into the club hand in hand was my first clue. The shriek that erupted out of her mouth was my second. I didn't have much time to take in my surroundings after that, considering she barreled towards us approximately 15 seconds after we walked through the door, introducing herself to me and telling me how much she's heard about me. Josephine has the nerve to be embarrassed, as if my family hasn't done so much worse to me in front of her. Katherine ushers us over to a man I find out is her fiancé, Jason. He's huddled in a corner with a few of his groomsmen watching some UFC fight on someone's phone.

"Hey Jason, pull yourself away for a second and come meet JoJo's boyfriend!" Katherine says and she grabs her fiancé's hand, bringing him over to us. I feel Josephine squeeze my hand at the mention of me being her boyfriend. It's not a conversation we've had time to have yet but I'm hoping when we do that's the outcome.

"JOJO! I had no idea you had a boyfriend! Hey man, it's nice to meet you. I'm Jason, thanks for coming to our mini bachelor/bachelorette party." He says shaking my hand before slipping it around Katherine's waist.

"Hero, nice to meet you too, thanks for the invite. This place is nice as shit." They've rented out a VIP room at one of the nicer clubs in London, my company has had a few release parties here but I've never been here myself. People are walking around handing out champagne, wine, beer, and taking orders if you prefer hard liquor. There's a fucking buffet in the corner of the room across from a dance floor overlooking the club below.

It's easy to tell who's part of the wedding party and who is here as guests. Some of the girls are wearing bridesmaid sashes and one of them is wearing a... tiara? Is that a normal thing for people to wear to someone else's bachelorette party? I have no fucking clue.

Josephine pulls me away as soon as Jason mentions something about the four of us taking shots and I can't say I mind. Starting a night out with shots has never ended well for me and I don't think my first time out with Josephine's sister is the time to test if that still holds true. I grab a glass of champagne for Jo and a beer for myself as we make our way over to one of the couches by the buffet. Josephine leans into my side as I put my arm around the back of the couch behind her, allowing me to smell her perfume and enjoy the warmth of her sitting so close to me.

I'm lazily dragging my hand up and down her arm while she's playing with the chains around my neck as she's telling me all the drama that's gone on with the wedding so far. Apparently tiara girl is Jason's older sister, Danielle, who is still single and very upset her baby brother is getting married before her. Apparently at their engagement party she got exceedingly drunk and screamed at Katherine that this should've been her engagement party instead before promptly throwing up on her own shoes and being carted away by her very embarrassed and apologetic mother. I am so grateful for Mercy in that moment and whatever higher power allowed me to be surrounded by such incredible women in my life instead of people like tiara girl.

As if her ears were burning, Danielle struts over to us, wobbling on her very high heels in her very short dress, champagne sloshing out of her glass.

"Look what the cat dragged in?! Hi Joey how are you?" tiara girl says, sitting beside me instead of Josephine, despite the fact that there's much more room next to Jo on the couch.

"Hi Danielle, I'm good how are you? And again, it's Josephine, not Joey, literally no one calls me that." Jo says coolly, keeping her hand on my chest where it had been before we had been interrupted.

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