The bar (chapter 1)

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Clarke's POV
A few months after Finn broke my heart and cheated on me with one of my closest friends, I lost All hopes of finding another lover.  So I sat on the couch and ate Cheetos everyday.

*Buzz buzz buzz*

my phone started to ring, It was Octavia.

"Hey O" I said.  "Clarke what are you doing?? you better not be sitting on the couch watching Netflix or some shit"

"yes Octavia, I am sitting on the couch watching Netflix, and there's nothing you can do about it"

"you have to get out of that shit hole you call a home Clarke" she said, I heard a low sigh on the other end. It was silent for a few seconds until she started to speak again. "You should come with me, Lincoln, raven, and echo tonight."

" Where?.." I asked

"To a party. you need to get some fresh air... and I won't take no for an answer" She said in a confident tone.

I thought for a second.. hanging with some friends might be good for my mental health right?

"Ok fine what time?" I grumbled

I heard her squeal before saying  "Around like 7:00... don't be late ms. Griffin, now go get dressed!!" She said in a hurried tone before ending the call, and it is currently 5:56. I have one hour to get ready.

I honestly was kinda excited to go out tonight, I've been trapping myself in this house for god knows how long. I think it's time I do something with my life.

I took a nice hot shower, and I was stressing over what to wear but I decided on some black ripped jeans, a black see through blouse with a red lace bra as my undergarment, and some Black heels. I then walked to the bathroom and let my hair out of the bun to curl it a little, it was kind of hard as i got towards the back and I didn't wanna burn myself so I half ass did the back. I put on some red lipstick, to then finish my look by applying some black eyeliner, to highlight my blue eyes. "Perfect" I said, satisfied with how I looked.

I then looked at the time 6:45.

I went downstairs to poor a small cup of whiskey so that I was just a bit or somewhat tipsy when we got there... I waited a couple more minutes just scrolling through Instagram until I got a text from Octavia saying "I'm outside".

"C'mon Clarke we don't got all night" Octavia blurted not even giving me time to get to the door.

We had been listening to raven go on and on about random things for 8 minutes now.

"Ok so get this!" Raven said before continuing, "we don't actually know what year this is. Apparently right now we are in the 2000's but it was only 2,000 years ago that they started counting the years. They were probably like, hey let's start counting the years and see how long it lasts" she finished out of breath.

"Okay raven we get it, damn, my brain is fried I can't take it anymore!" Echo exclaimed. We all laughed for a few seconds before being interrupted by a loud


We all got out of the car, and as we were walking towards the entrance, a very handsome man greeted us. He was practically eating Octavia with his eyes, before seeing Lincoln wrap his arms around Octavia's waist, while giving the him a death stare.

"Can I see your ID's"

the man proceeded to ask, looking directly at Octavia. Octavia was a little underage being 20 years old, but she carried a fake ID, one of Lincoln's buddies made it for her.

"Here" Octavia said a little irritated while handing the man her ID.

He looked at it for a couple seconds glancing at Octavia a few times before stepping aside, giving us a passage to enter.

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