Allen Goes to the Order for the First Time (GONE WRONG)

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Cross's POV:

          I've been trying to go to work for an hour now, but my 10-year-old son won't let me. He's been clinging to my legs and crying. I swear if that kid wasn't so cute I would have thrown him across the room. I sigh and try to shake Allen off, but fail. "Please don't go! I'll be lonely!" Allen cries. You know what? This isn't going to work out. I'll have him go to work with me. 

          "Hey brat, do you want to go to work with me?" I ask. Allen stops crying and looks up at me. "Do you or do you not?" I ask. Allen smiles that sickeningly cute smile of his and lets go of my leg. He climbs up my back and makes me carry him piggyback style. "Okay brat, don't make a ruckus while we're there," I demand. "Okay, dad!" Allen says. 

          We get out of our apartment and go into our car. I buckle Allen in and then myself. I start driving to work. "Dad, what is work like?" Allen asks. "Horrible. Idiots surround me every day." I reply. "Don't call people idiots!" Allen shouts. "Well, you're an idiot," I state. Allen huffs, pouts,  and crosses his arms. Cute. I like messing with Allen. His responses amuse me. 

          The whole ride to the Order was silent. Just the way I like it. The brat can get annoying sometimes. I pull up to the Order and stop the car. I have to leave him in Komui's care for a bit. That crazy scientist better not try anything. "Alright brat, I have to leave you in a friend's care for a bit. I can't have little runts running around." I say. Allen glares at me. I roll my eyes and get out of the car.

          Allen gets out as well and grabs my hand. We walk into the building and since the brat is with me, I'm getting unwanted attention. I hurry to Komui's office and open the door. A giant robot and the other people in the science division praising Komui meet my eye. "Ah, Cross! Welcome! This is my new invention! I call it Komurin 2!" Komui says. Allen hides behind me. "Tch, I have an annoying pest following me around. It wouldn't let me leave without it." I say. Allen hits my leg. "I am not an annoying pest! I'm also not an it, I'm a he!" Allen shouts. 

          Komui looks at Allen and squeals. "Oh my god, Cross! He's so cuuuuuute!" Komui screeches. Oh boy, here we go. Komui walks over to us and crouches down to Allen's height. "Hello, little guy! I'm Koumi! You must be Allen?" Komui questions. Allen nods. "No need to be shy. I won't bite." Komui says. 

          Allen comes out from hiding but still has a tight grip on my pant leg. Komui pats Allen's head. "You're so adorable~" He coos. Allen blushes. The brat is adorable, but I'll never admit that out loud. "U-Um, what is that robot?" Allen asks. "Well, my boy, this here is Komurin 2! It's a helper robot that I just finished today!" Komui explains. Allen nods. 

         Is this going to malfunction like the last one? "Komurin 2 has a secret function. It's pretty fun, but I won't tell you because it's a surprise. May I test it on you?" Komui asks. "I think the fuck not," I say. "Cross! Don't swear in front of kids!" Komui shouts. I roll my eyes. "Kid, say the word," I demand. "Bitch." Allen says. I pat Allen's head. "Good boy." I praise.

          Komui sighs and smiles. "Well, we won't hurt Allen if that's what you're worried about," Komui says. I glare at him a bit before sighing. "Fine. Hurt him and I'll do it to you worse." I warn. Komui nods. "Ight, brat. I'm going off to my part of work. Stay here and don't wander off." I say. Allen huffs. "Well, I'll be fine." Allen protests. "Says the one who got lost in a 7/11." I retort. "W-Well, it was a big place!" Allen shouts. "A 7/11 is about 2,500-4,000 sq ft, dumbass," I say. Allen huffs. "Welp, take good care of the runt," I say. I tear Allen off my leg and leave.

Allen's POV:

          That asshole left me! I pout. Komui, I think his name is, ruffles my hair. "Do you know how to read?" Komui asks. "Somewhat, yeah," I reply. "Good! We have a lot of reading material here if you get bored." Komui says. I nod. 

          "Brother! I brought coffee!" I hear a girl shout. I look behind me and see a girl around my age carrying a tray of coffee. "Oh, Lenalee~" I hear Komui coo. The girl and I make eye contact. "Oh, hello!" She greets. I wave. Maybe I shouldn't be so scared of this place. What kind of dangerous place would have a kid serving coffee?

          The girl, or Lenalee, goes over and hands out coffee. When it was Komui's turn, Komurin 2 took it away from him and started drinking. "Are robots supposed to drink coffee?" I question. "No," Komui replies. Komurin 2 twitches and starts to look around; demanding work. Komui panics and points at me. "Allen needs some help! Go fix his uhhhhh outfit!" Komui shouts. "Eh!?" I shout. 

          Komurin 2 targets me and scary things come out of it's chest. It runs toward me at a fast rate. I scream and run away. The robot continues to chase me as I run around the building. I have no idea where I'm going and this place is huge, so I'm pretty sure there is no way I'm going to find the office again.

          "Let me fix you." The robot demands. I screech and starts yelling for my dad. I hope he comes to help me. I see several people stare at me in confusion and stare at Komurin 2 in fear. I've managed to single handedly destroy at least a good quarter of the place and accumulate a group of fearful people who are now also running from Komurin 2. I should have just stayed home.

          I hear a couple of gunshots and a loud crash behind me. The sound of movement stops and I turn around. After the dust clears, I see dad! I run over to him and grab onto his leg. I start crying.

Cross's POV:

          I am extremely annoyed. All I want is one at least one peaceful work day! But no, I never get that. Now I have to comfort this brat and beat Komui up. I scoff and pick Allen up. He grips my uniform and cries even harder. My eyebrow twitches. It takes forever to calm this creature down. I sigh as I carry him back to Komui's office.

          I kick the door open and look at the mess the science division made. I scoff and glare. "Where's Komui?" I asks. You see, I get the benefit of having people fear me when I get pissed off, so they usually tell me the truth to avoid my wrath. 

          The all start pointing to a stack of books. So he tried to hide, eh? So be it. Since the brat won't let go of me, I'll have to just simply kick him. The rest of his punishment will come later. The thought of harming him brings an evil smirk to my face. I totally won't let him get away with an easy beating.

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