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Kieran took a whole lot of my gene, he was just as stubborn as I was. A perfect flaw that suited me, Kingston once told me. It was unbearable after our encounter that I haven't been able to get him out of my head, no matter how hard I tried. I longed for him.

"Mummy faster!" My baby cheered. We had just gotten out of the elevator, I was little scared in there, he kept jumping up and down in it.

"Wait baby," I said breathlessly, as I gasped for air, trying to get to him.

"Momma," he said, this time more calmly, his eyes were softened as he got closer to me. I wondered why, with an amused smile on.

"You're not going to get dizzy and sleep again are you?" he said timidly, making me awe on the inside, he remembered the day I fainted and it was a similar situation to this only that I fainted because I saw his father.

I smiled, squatting down to him, my lips giving him quick kisses all over his face, as he chuckled.

"No honey, Mama's not sleeping again on the floor," I assured, this time I took his hand in mine as we walked together, I didn't get a chance to tour this hotel but as my eyes went round, I knew I had to applaud the interior designers, and architects.

We walked pass the receptionist, a petite lady, with thin lips, she beamed at us which I returned as I walked closer to her.

"Hey my apologies, I uh--I wanted to know if I could get ice cream anywhere close by? Please?" I asked inquisitively.

She smiled again, ready to answer, suddenly she looked over, behind me as I heard the footsteps coming in, I glanced over, wondering why the new presence captured her attention so much, I realized they were a group of men on suits, more like bodyguards coming in.

They didn't have the best aura around them, they were all on shades, but as soon as one of them got the shades out, the black eyes he had made it very known that he was danger. His blue orbs met mine, I shuddered, feeling my son's tight hold on my thigh, the man gave me a smirk, and with that, I knew it was time I took my leave-- quick.

Immediately I picked my son up to my arms, suddenly uninterested in the receptionist information, I began walking away, only to be stopped by a very familiar voice.

"Mae," I felt my heart go cold. No, it couldn't be, God no...

Suddenly I turned around, finding myself surrounded by his men, I held my son so tight to me, as my eyes were hooked on his blue ones, but they weren't as blue as I used to remember, it had a darkness I couldn't understand in them, it was expressionless, and very nerve wrecking.

I gasped softly, suddenly out of breath, but breathlessly said his name in a whisper.

"Dustin," since he was a werewolf now, I'm certain he heard me, as I saw a flicker of gold passing through his eyes.

He began laughing dryly, hands in his pockets, before his eyes gazed to mine again, dropping to my son's. Ki clinged tightly to me.

"Years and years Mae," he started as he stalked towards me. "Years and years I searched for you, wow," he said with a smile on, a smile I could swear that meant many things and a deception that filled his eyes.

"Please- please let me go," I found myself begging.

"I've missed this--- your voice, your fear, fucking arouses me," he stated as I felt him closer, his now rough palms on my cheeks, I glanced at him, he wasn't staring at me this time he was staring at my son, I looked towards the receptionist and found out one of his men already was behind her and there wasn't anyone else on the ground floor, I shivered.

He sighed, like he was tired, as he caressed my cheeks, looking at me with an expression akin to admiration, from my eyes to my lips, inwardly I was praying for help. "You'll come with me and be my queen and perhaps I could spare him, as much as he disgusts me, I could spare him for you, if you leave and be with me forever," he softly said, but I moved away hastily from him, only to be stopped by the hard grip of a bodyguard.

My baby was sobbing already.

Even I had started crying. "Please Dustin- Please I beg of you to leave me alone, leave us alone, please," I begged with my heart, feeling scared for my child.

He tsked at this. "Get the child," he ordered to his men. Subconsciously I began to shout.
"Please no! Please he's just a little child Dustin Please!! Please!" I begged as more tears fell.

"You really think I care do you?" He taunted, making me boil.

"The police will find you and put the great Willers to jail, leave him alone!" I screamed as I felt someone snatch away my son from me, I didn't have claws on my nails but I was sure ready to fight.

He chuckled again. "Oh I have that settled, look around and tell me if this cameras are on, and this little lady here," he said pointing to the receptionist. "Knows better than saying a word, trust me lady you have no idea what I'll do to your family," he said making the woman squeal in fear.

"Trust me Mae, it's best to come with me," he persuaded, with a smile, but I was paying attention to that, my Kieran was crying, he needed me.

"Alright! Alright, I'll come with you just give me my son back!" I demanded.

I'd do everything for my baby, but the one thing I had to start thinking about was how to escape from the clutches of Dustin Willers.

Lycan Kingston.

  I had a daughter.

I had a daughter that I lost without even realizing I was going to be welcoming her to Earth. She was gone. It was all my fault she was gone.

Katie. I would have named her Lena. I would have named Kieran, Lionel, but what right do I have over them even at this moment? A failure was who I was. But no, not anymore, I would save my family this time.

The thought of my daughter didn't seem to stop the rage. She could have gotten her mother's blue eyes, her hair, or it could have been a mix, but she doesn't even exist anymore because of me and every stupid decisions I made back then. She didn't exist anymore.

"Fucking shit," Ivan muttered as soon as he got into the car, he was coming from the Willers company, funny how that used to be a branch of my company, but it isn't a loss or even a worry for me.

"I told you he wasn't there, but no, you thought you could get information from there, by flirting with some fucking receptionist?" I complained with a frown on my face.

"I got the fucking information and it's the fucking information that's got me worried," he retorted, as his hands went through his hair again.

"What?" I asked, already impatient.

"He took her to where it all started," he informed as he tapped the chauffeur, telling him to head to the airport, meanwhile I hissed at his statement, I wasn't surprised he would do that, he was such a fucking child. The Dustin. Taking us back to Swellview I see...

"Inform the pack, I think it's time to take my place back once and for all, especially my family," I ordered.

"Yes Alpha,"

Now how would Dustin Willers love to die? Because every thought of it was exciting but never satisfying, how would he die at my hands?

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sorry I've been MIA here, but I'm back now, sorry this chapter is short but it gets better x, be expecting more chapters, more more interesting things coming up and I have an announcement to make also!!

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