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"We could have killed him earlier!" Ivan's rage knew no limit as he broke everything he saw on sight, the dim light from the bulb kept skipping, the rotting smell of rodents decaying filled out noses, how he escaped was still a shock to us both, only that I was collected, thinking about what and where we missed, but Ivan- Ivan couldn't just control himself.

"Get the guards that were assigned here yesterday," I ordered to the men near by.

"What could have happened Alpha?" Ivan again asked in confusion, which was acceptable, I mean we made sure the rogue was as good as dead, his fingers off, his groin, his back and ribs broken, starved for weeks with no water, except-

"Ivan," I called and it was a disappointment on myself on how I hadn't realized this since.

"A rogue, he shit-- he must have let his wolf empower him, meaning he shifted, and had no choice but to eat raw meat, he knew that was the only way he could gain strength," I countered.

Ivan's thinned vision broadened in realization, he got it too, how could we have been so stupid?

"Shit, shit, shit, shit," he muttered as he paced around, his hands through his hair again.

I sensed fear lingering around and soon my men came into the basement with frightened faces.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"Al- Alpha they're- they're dead," one said and that got me furious the more.

How I didn't feel it was also quite unbelievable, a pack member dying- only if I was asleep then, then that could happen without me realizing.

"I'll find him, I'll fucking find him and kill him on spot," Ivan said growling, I pushed the men out of my sights as I walked out of the room, heading upstairs, away from the underground to the main mansion.

I hadn't even realized that Ivan was behind me till I heard him call. "Alpha,"

I turned to look at him, he was quite infuriating these days. "Our mates," he started. "What if-"

"Nothing like that will be happening, they should be back by now," I said walking away to the living room.

I mind linked Tabby and asked if the girls were back and her response had me confused, where would they be right now, and then the fear creeped in, what if the rogue- Holy shit no!

I mind linked Timotheus this time, asking if they were almost home.

"Um Alpha- um we- we're actually at the hospital right now," he said and I swear my heart skipped a beat.

"What happened? Did anything happen?? My Vedika, where is she?" I rushed.

"No No Alpha- um actually they- they came to visit someone?" He stated.

"What hospital?" I asked sternly.

"City hospital Sir," and with that response, I already knew who she went to visit and honestly that ticked me off More than anything.


I couldn't- No I still refused to believe that it was Dustin Willers that laid on the bed there almost... lifeless.

"That's not him," I kept muttering to myself, I felt a light squeeze on my shoulders and I turned to look at Emma who gave me a weak smile.

"Mae please don't break down like this Ms Willers needs your support," she said softly.

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