Chapter 12

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Taehyung's POV

"FUCK! Jungkook stop being a useless bitch and help-"
I heard Baekhyun yell out, I was about to barge in and stop Jungkook, but an eerie silence was all that could be heard as I approach the door.


"Tae don't," Jin said pulling my hand away from the door. I figured he probably noticed the distressed look that was displayed on my face. I never heard Jungkook scream and shout like that,....... not my kookie. Not too long after this, Jungkook had opened the door to the room and stood in front of me, his pupils were fully dilated as his doe eyes contacted mines; he looked different... he seemed different.


"Tae," tears began to trickle down his face as I pulled his body into mines, the others only staring at the scene that had unfolded in front of them. I began rubbing circles on Jungkook's lower back, whispering sweet nothings into his ear hoping that he would calm down, but he remained face down onto my chest, letting out silent sobs. For a split second, I made eye contact with the lifeless body sitting across from us "could he not handle this?" is what I immediately began to think.

"Taehyung were gonna leave you two to talk. Let us know if you need help," Jin quietly said as he ushered Namjoon and Jimin to leave the room, following behind them. The room then suddenly became silent, including the quiet sobs that Jungkook would occasionally let out. I instantly lifted his head and wiped away the remaining tears that were drying on his face.

"Baby, are you okay? Was it too much for it? I'm sorry I told Jin Hyun to-," I was cut off by the sound of his soft giggles. I gave him a confused look, but he pulled my face to meet his and touched our foreheads.

"I'm okay Tae, and it wasn't too much for me I loved it."

"Then why were you crying?"
I heard him let out a small sigh and moved his face from mines, but I instantly pulled him back and held him tight by his waist, ensuring he remained in my grip.



"He said something that reminded me of her."

"Of who, baby?" I noticed his bambi eyes were now becoming glassy, I loosened my grip on him, but he shook his head mouthing 'no' and hugged me tighter.

"My mom."

"What about her?"

"She started to abuse me right after my dad left us. She would always scream at me saying that I was useless and that I was a bitch. When Baekhyun Hyung called me those things something in me snapped and I killed him."

"Oh princess," I whispered out to him as I cupped his face, but he shot me one of his famous bunny smiles that instantly made my heart flutter. At this moment, I knew that I wanted to kill anyone that harmed or would try to harm the beautiful boy that stood in front of me. I wanted to protect him, but I also wanted him to seek the revenge he deserved; and we were going to do it together.

"Thank you for saving me," Tae, he nuzzled his face into my chest.

"But baby, I didn't do anything this was all you. You just needed an opportunity."

"I love you and everyone else. Thank you for giving me this beautiful feeling."

"Which one? Love or blood lust?" I chuckled out, brushing his soft locks of hair behind his ear.

"Both," he responded as he kissed my cheek and skipped out of the room. I stood there for a minute, processing his response but eventually letting out a deep chortle as I followed behind Jungkook.

"What a beautiful schizoid that was set free."

Yoongi's POV

I was currently walking to Jimin's room; three days had passed since the last time we saw each other. He never showed up to the session we were supposed to have, so of course, it was only natural for me to be worried about my 'client' and check in on him. To my surprise, as I approached the floor Jimin's room was on, I saw Jackson, who was one of the nurses, make his way to Jimin's room. I figured he was only doing his job, so I waited for him to finish, assuming he would take no longer than five minutes. However, an hour had past, and I was still waiting in the hallway. I felt the anger boil in, not by the fact that I waited an hour, but by the fact that I waited an hour for Jackson to leave Jimin's room. "What was he doing in there so long?" My mind roamed to all the possible things that he could've done with Jimin....and it wasn't pretty thoughts. I started to walk towards the door, hoping to disrupt what they were doing; but when I saw the doorknob turn, I quickly hid so that they wouldn't see me, making sure I wasn't too far so that I would be able to hear what they were saying.

"Thank you for that, hyung." I heard Jimin say, immediately turning my head in their direction. Jimin had flung his arms over Jackson's shoulders and Jackson had pulled him into a hug before walking off. To say I was furious was an understatement. "Who the fuck does Jackson think he is touching Jimin like that? Touching his petite waist that was only made for me? Touching what was mines." Acting on instincts, I quickly followed Jackson down to the hallway that led to the basement. I didn't know why my body urged me to do this, but my mind was screaming at me to stop. When I was about to rethink my decision, images of Jimin and Jackson, together, had popped up in my head. This only added fuel to the fire that was set ablaze inside me.


Author's POV

"Oh, hello Dr. Min. Is everything alright? If you need any help, just give me a second to get these medications and we can head back-" Yoongi had slammed Jackson into the wall, cutting him off mid-sentence.

"What the fuck, Yoongi!!"

"What were you doing in Jimin's room?"

"The fuck are you going on about?"

Yoongi tightens his grip around Jacksons throat as he pushed him harder against the wall.

"What. Did. You. Do. To. Jimin."

"I-I didnt d-do anything," Jackson coughed out.

"I don't believe you." Yoongi loosened his grip but threw Jackson onto the floor and began to throw punches to his face.



"FUCKING COUNT!!" Yoongi shouted as his fist collided with Jackson's face.

"One." Yoongi had punched him again, but this time his fist landed on Jackson's stomach causing blood to escape from his mouth.

"T-t-wo," Jackson coughed out as he was punched again in his stomach. After Jackson had been punched in the face ten times by Yoongi he had passed out, but this didn't stop Yoongi. He was enraged for a reason he himself didn't even know, but he knew that this felt good. He felt alive and satisfied by the amount of blood that was spread across his bruised fist and his pale face. However, once he noticed that Jackson was unresponsive, he dropped him onto the floor and stared at his hands.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. What the fuck was that Min Yoongi!?" Yoongi ran his hands through his hair, taking one last look at the damage he made, and quickly left the basement. Once he was in his room, he instantly washed his hands hoping that he would wake up from this sick joke of a dream; but he didn't wake up, it was all real. Yoongi lifted his head and looked at his face that was covered in blood in the mirror. ", this felt really familiar," was the last thing Yoongi remembered saying before blacking out.

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