💚~|| who are you... ||~💙

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Rosa was still shock with the scene before her but snapped out of it and saw the wound on Midoriya's stomach. She ran up to him then crouched down and tried to pick him up. He was to heavy she had to drag him, she dragged him by he's arms and carried him into her guest room then went to go get some stuff for his wound. She came back and started disinfecting his wounds and rapping them then sat on a chair next to the bed hoping he'll wake up. While she was waiting Chris woke up and walked around the house trying to find Rosa. he walked into the guest room finally finding her. "Hey Rosa you in here- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS!! " Chris said yelling random stuff and Rosa trying to calm him down. "Chris chill he's asleep I don't want him to wake him up he's in pain." Rosa said while covering Chris's mouth. Chris moved Rosa's hands from his mouth and walked over to midoryia. "Wow it's really him....." Chris said looking down at midoryia. "How come it wasn't bokugou he should have came.....why did he have to come." Chris thought in his head as he slowly grew jealous that Rosa has her lover here but not him. Chris bawled up his fist wanting to kill midoryia but stopped knowing Rosa would be sad. He was still looking at him with deathly glare. "Yo Chris you ok?" Rosa said while placing her hand on his shoulder making Chris flinch as he forgotten she was there. "Yeah I'm fine just kinda tired...." Chris said while closing his eyes giving fake smile. "Oh ok then,....you should sleep if your that sleepy I'll stay here." Rosa said to Chris smiling. Chris looked at Rosa showing no emotion then turned to the door and walked out. "Hope you wake up soon..hehe" Rosa said while blushing holding Midoriya's hand forgetting that Chris looked mad. Chris hid behind the door slowly breaking down in tears."Guess she really forgot about me now I guess I have no one he's not here Rosa have forgotten me hehehe.....HAHAHAHAHA." Chris smiling while crying laughing to himself but Rosa couldn't hear him to being busy with midoryia. When the next day came, at 8:30 midoryia woke up seeing a girl holding his hand and resting her head on the bed while also sitting in a chair. "......Who is this" Midoryia said while looking at her trying to move his hand from her making her start to wake. "Hmmm..... " She started rubbing her eyes seeing midoryia up looking at her seemingly scared."Oh shit...." Rosa whispered to herself. "Hey yeah sorry my name is Rosa, sorry I slept here I found you in my backyard what's your name? " Rosa asked even if she knew his name. "My name is Izuku Midoryia, also what you mean you found me in your backyard?? " Midoryia asked tilting he's head. "Oh well I'm not sure what happened to you but I was walking outside then I found you in my backyard for some reason." Rosa said to him while putting her finger on her chin looking up slowly trying not to freak out. Chris walked in making both of them flinch not expecting him to come in. "Yo Rosa and what I have heard your name is Midoryia right." Chris said fake smiling trying to keep his anger in check slowly getting more and more jealous. Rosa starts to notice and grabs his shoulder. "Hey Chris you sure you're ok?" Rosa asked looking at Chris with a worried look. "Hehehe you don't gotta worry I'm fine just a little anger in the morning." Chris said while giggling  trying to get himself to stop being dumb and be happy for Rosa. "Oh......well if you say so" Rosa turning back to Midoryia trying to see if he's ok to walk while Chris walked away going into he's thoughts. "you know she wouldn't leave you because some guy showed up, she wouldn't LEAVE us for someone who's not even real RIGHT. WE ARE JUST BEING JEALOUS BECAUSE NOT ONLY DOES SHE HAVE HER LOVER HERE WE DON'T AND WE JUST GOTTA BE A THRID WHEEL. Calm down you always complain about the most little things, I'M NOT GETTING ANGY!" Chris was over thinking it was like his thoughts were fighting with each other like always. "Are you ok Midoryia you need some food? " Rosa asked while giving him a smile. "I'm ok but some food would be nice." Midoryia said smiling , she started to walk out so she could make some food for him. "Hmmm...i wanna help her." Midoryia thought while getting up and walking into the kitchen. Rosa didn't  noticed that he got out of bed yet and he started to feel weird. He rapped his arms around Rosa hips and rested his head on Rosa's shoulder making her flinch. Noticing that it was Midoryia it made her blush darkly and tried to stutter out what she was trying to but it came out as. "AHHHHH umm what uhm you, we your hands hip, on me! " She yelled while he was pasted out Chris walked in noticing the scene and laughs "He's asleep." Chris laughed while telling Rosa. "Simp." Chris said as walking right back out. "Oh! " She realized that he was asleep she continued to cook food...


ℰ𝒹𝒾𝓉𝓉ℯ𝒹 ℬ𝓎 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓪

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