Chapter 1

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Stuart pov
"And that is how Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon came to own their own lands, or areas should I say." Mr. Feeny says. I raise my hand eagerly, having a slight correction to Mr.Feeny's words, I always feel the need to correct someone, not to show of my knowledge, but just because when you know something, you're eager to share. It feels really good to get something right, and be praised for it. "Yes Mr.Minkus?" Mr.Feeny calls on me. "Well actually there are multiple names for each one of The Big Three, not just Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon. For Poseidon, he has Neptune, and for-" I'm quickly interrupted by the bell ringing and the class signing in relief. Probably because they don't like to hear me talk, but I don't mind. I take my time putting away my books and notebooks. (I take lots of notes. Even if i already know all of the things we're being taught, it's good to be prepared. Especially for open notes, not like i need it though. But unlike me, Shawn is bolting out the door, that's so like him. I laugh shaking my head. The classroom is almost empty. I like to be one of the last ones out, i'm least likely to get pushed around. I look up i see everyone's gone, so i zip up my binder and i'm about to head out the door when someone grabs me by the shoulder. I quickly look back to see Cory.
"Haha...hi! You need to...stay here!" He says weirdly. "What? Why?" I say obviously very confused. "Um, well, I HAVE...a....question...for you..." He draws out his words separating each word by about an hour long. "What is it? And no i'm not doing your homework." I would like extra homework but i wouldn't help Cory, he needs to simply learn on his own and I can't mess that up. I notice he keeps look at the door, as if he were waiting for someone. I look back and nobody is there. I turn back at him. "No.....I ask....about...." He looks at the board. "Lighting!" He says as if he said the most clever thing ever. "What about lighting?" I ask. "Umm." He looks at the door again. "How does lighting wor-" Before he finishes his sentence he looks at the door and let's go of my shoulder, probably leaving a mark. "Okay thanks bud!" He walks out of the classroom leaving me dumbfounded. "What was that about?" I wonder to myself.
I gather my things in my thin small arms and walk out the door, to my locker. I hadn't even realized how long Cory kept me in the classroom till I went out of the classroom to see no one in the halls. I sigh and walk to my locker, liking the feeling of being alone, yet hating it too. I open my locker and put my binder away. As I'm reaching to grab some notebooks out of my locker, something falls out of my locker and onto the floor. I furrow my eyebrows and pick it up, surprised to see an envelope with a heart seal. I look around to see anyone around but no one is there. Im honestly shocked, i mean why would someone give me a love letter, if that's what it is. Nobody likes me, i'm a nerd. I frown at the thoughts but quickly ignore them and slowly open the letter, expecting some kind of prank. But to my surprise i open it and i raise my eyebrows. It's a simple white card with a red heart in the middle, I feel it and notice it's made of crafting paper. Whoever got me this must've made it themselves. I open the card and what I see, shocks me. An actual letter, with actual words that isn't a prank. Now I am not stupid, I know some person could be pranking me, but let me have my moment. I read the card.

Dear Stewart,
I know this letter may come to surprise, but here I am writing it.
I wanted to tell you, but I know you don't like me, so I guess I will tell you here, to save the rejection. You may not feel like anyone likes you, but I do, and honestly I am surprised you don't have friends. I mean, you are cute, smart, and definitely really cute. I know this may be shocking. But this isn't a prank. I have a big crush on you and I just really admire you. You make my day better no matter how much i dont show it.

Love, you're secret admire.

"Wow" I say to myself. I just stare at the letter in pure shock. I am just surprised, this isn't a prank. No prank would ever be this genuine. I quickly put the letter back in the envelope softly trying not to ruin it and put it in my backpack, again careful not to break it. And walk out of school, wondering who my secret admirer is.

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