Chapter 2

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Minkus pov
I arrived at school with all my books in my arms. Quite tired, for once. Usually i get a good 9 hours or more of sleep, but last night i got four. I was up all night thinking about that letter. Questions roamed through my head, "Who sent the letter?" Or "Is this a sick joke?" and "Do i even know the person?" And "Is it obvious? Am i blinsid-" My thoughts are interrupted by a loud yelling. I open my eyes to see Mr.Feeny. "Mr.Minkus!" Mr. Feeny says. I sit up slowly rubbing my eyes looking around. Wait... "Mr. Minkus what did I just say?" Mr. Feeny says. I widen my eyes, and I can feel my face heating up. "'m sorry sir i must've zoned out." I say quietly. "Looks like Minkus isn't so perfect after all, didn't get enough sleep, up all night studying or something, nerd?!" Shawn taunts. I roll my eyes at his antics and Mr. Feeny continues with his lesson.
The bell rings signaling for lunch time. I hop out of my chair, again last and start to head towards the door when i'm pushed back. Shawn. "What are you doing Shawn?" I say nervously. Shawn has always said rude things to me, but he's never hit me before.. He walks towards me slowly, his normal evil smirk he always has on while taunting me. He pushes me against the wall with one hand and leans towards my face. I whimper, out of fear. He smirks and takes a step back walking towards the center of the classroom, i remain where i am, in fear that if i make one move he will do something. He grabs an apple from Mr. Feeny's desk and sits on top of my desk eating it. "So, Minkus. What's up?" He asks while chewing. I fix my glasses and straighten out my shirt. "Please don't talk with your mouth full. It's impolite." I state. He quickly gets off the desk and walks towards me as if he were ready to beat my face in. I flinch as he walks closer. "I asked what's up." He growls. I honestly am terrified for my life as i slowly answer. "nothing." I say. He has a weird look on his face and remains in his position. "Are you sure, nothing new has happened? Exciting?" He asks, seeming...hopeful? I think for a moment, what could he possibly be talking about. "No..?" I say after thinking. A flash of hurt shows on his face, as he backs away. "Oh, well, okay then." He says before leaving the classroom in a rush. I stay where I was, dumbfounded. What the heck just happened?
Shawn pov (SUPRISE!)
I run out the classroom feeling embarrassed and open, as if naked. But before I can go any far, Cory pulls me back and questions me. "So.?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows. I look down. Then realization hits him and he frowns, in a pity look. "oh shawn...sorry." He says rubbing the back of his neck. Cory is still in the phase where he doesn't like anyone yet. As for me, I am stuck up on...well...Minkus.
It all started at the end of 4th grade, it was hot out, so Minkus was wearing a white t-shirt. It was also field day...and even if he was bad at all the sports, he's more the book-worm type. He still caught my eye when the sprinklers went off, everything changed in my eyes.
As the glistening water on that hot summer day hit Minkus, he ran his fingers through his beautiful short blonde hair, and his glasses being off, those blue eyes popping out, and his shirt wasn't even visible anymore. His pale skin was open and I was transfixed on him. It was like the world had stopped and it was just me, and Minkus. That's how it should be. Eventually I was out of my daze when Cory interrupted my thoughts by hitting me with a water balloon. But for the rest of the day I thought all about Minkus. It honestly wasn't all a big deal, i mean i've heard about being in love, but i was 9.
So being attracted to boys or girls wasn't a big thing, it wasn't until middle school started that it got bad. I started going through...well...changes. It all started with a dream I had at the start of this year. It was...about me and Minkus. We were at school, and he confessed his feelings to be, i followed with and then...we just kissed. And it went whole dream was that, it even had an epilogue. It felt as if hours went by until i woke up to a weird feeling..even a few monthes ago i didn't get it. But now i do, i had a wet dream of Stuart Minkus.
And it didn't stop there. The dreams continued. And it isn't just the fact i'm way too young to be having these dreams, it's the fact it's a boy. Back then i didn't know how big of a deal it was. But now, i know for sure. I was never the type to be gay. I don't even know what that even means. I mean, stereotypes are a big thing now, boys act like this, girls act like this, boys ask girls out. Girls like pink, boys like blue. But that's just how it is. I know it isn't fair but it is. And nobody even talks about being gay, because well, nobody is gay. I'm constantly insecure about it, i don't even know if i am. But it has been a while since I first had feelings for a boy so I decided to tell Cory, only a few months ago, I was scared how he would react, being my best friend and all. And if he left me, i would simply cry...a whole lot. He took it a lot better than i would've expected.
Flashback (Shawns pov)
I hear a knock at the door and I tense. This is it. This is the day I am going to come out to Cory, as...whatever I am feeling? I breathe in and out and fan myself with my hand to try to calm myself down. Eventually I open the door to Cory looking at me confused. "Hey Shawn what's up? Your call seemed urgent." He said. Later when I had called Cory I was being an even more nervous wreck, i didn't even take time to care how i had sounded on that call. I chuckle nervously. "Haha, yeah." I say rubbing my neck awkwardly. "Uhm so I kind of have something to tell you Cor." I say. This is it. I have to do it. I suck my cheeks in and breath in and out in and out. "Cory I am gay." I say, not even bothering to let him speak yet. "And don't speak, before you ask, I don't have a crush on you don't worry. But another guy...and i'm just going to say it all very quickly cause i'm nervous." I prepare myself not bothering to look at Cory. "IkindofhavehadacrushonMinkussincefourthgrade." I say speedy fast. "What?" He says. I sigh. "I kind of have had a crush on Minkus since fourth grade, let me explain." I sigh again. "Back in the fourth grade on that field day, when I saw minkus with his hair and glasses and stomach..-" I daze off then quickly regain consciousness. "I felt a weird feeling in my tummy, it wasn't until recently i've been having dreams about him... kind dreams." I admit quietly, looking anywhere but his eyes. "I'm so sorry. I can't help it though, i like him for some reason, I know i'm a freak i'm weird, and not normal. I don't know why, i just don't like girls!" I say, not even noticing Cory has wrapped his arms around me while I cry.

I'm going to do my other stories i'm just really enjoying writing this one so yeyeye BYE



edit: So i've been seeing my stories actually get a good amount of views, i thought it's bad but i guess not. for a long time i've been struggling with an ed and depression i will try to continue this , hope this clears things up!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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