Chapter-1: Some Things Can Never Be Forgotten

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Chapter-1: Some Things Can Never Be Forgotten

I woke up with sweat all over my was that dream again! Why does it have to be me. What have I done soo bad that I keep getting haunted by it ..just it that bad for me to be alive on this planet. However I try to die something holds me back. Is there any reason on earth why I should live! Why is my life only so depressing! Nothing ever went the way I wanted it too after that day 13th bday!

Why cannot I stop recalling it!

*flash back*

It was my 13th birthday . Yay!! I was finally a teen. The party was great. I was kinda busy thanking my friends parents for sending them for my party.

It was about 10:30 pm when my parents called me out and said we needed to leave as it was getting very late because I had school the very next day.

As we rushed out, I saw a girl sitting by the street. As I moved closer to her, I noticed that her eyes were bloodshot, from crying. As I took a seat next to her, I hear my parents calling out for me, saying that I only had 15 minutes until we left.

As she noticed my presence next to her, she tries her best to stop crying and I was fighting the urge to wrap my arms around her and tell her it's all gonna be okay!

It was getting more awkward as each minute passed. So I broke the silence.

"hey, are you alright?"

After a few seconds of her sobbing, she turned towards me. She had the most beautiful eyes, even though it was bloodshot. It was a really unique different shade of blue.

All I heard between her sobs were, " my parents .......fighting .....lost."

As I tried to understand what she was saying , I thought I'll ask her about something else.

"what's your name and what are you doing here at this time of the night?"

She opened her mouth to answer my question that was when I heard my parents anxious voices crying out my name really loud asking me to get there now.

As I stood up and turned to leave, I felt a cold wet hand on my shoulder. When I turned to see who it was , it was the girl from before. And this time she wasn't sobbing though, but she was looking extremely depressed. It looked like she wanted to say something.

"Can you give me a ride home. I'm ...lost" she said with many breaks in her sentence.

It took me a movement to realize that she had actually spoke something.

"Sure. Where do you live?" I asked with my best possible smile!

"Burmondley street, villa no.24 but ..could you please drop me a few blocks away at my friends place"

I smile at her and moved together with her towards my dad's car..


We were in my dad's car right now leaving to her house .I was worried after seeing her like this and asked her

" Is there anything I could help u with?" .but there was no reply..

I was staring at her for a while that's when I noticed her brown locks . it was a pretty colour of coffee. The time passed so fast that I had not noticed that we passed by her house. It was huge and wonderfully decorated with pretty colours of lights for Christmas. While I was staring at the outside of her house after just a glance at it she who was looking better a while before looked more upset and depressed. She quickly hopped out of the car when we arrived her friends place she turned to say goodbye with a fake smile plastered on her face .

"Thanks for the ride." She said

After a few minutes of awkward silence she asked with a really low voice" Could I like get your number?!."

We exchanged our numbers with a smile and she waved me a good bye while my parents awaited for me to get back in the car.

I was still watching her as she walked towards her friends house. A number of questions were arising in my head about her friends house and her friends parents letting her in at this time of the night. thats when I heard a feminine voice screaming out my dad's name . in seconds a clash of lights and a set of loud and creepy sterling mind went blank. The only thing i knew was that my life is going to be torn apart!

***Flashback ends***

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