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Jade sat in the broken shell of her shuttle craft. Which had been her home for months now. The locals didn't dare go near it, because it was something new to them. Which was a huge relief to her. She thought she would never be found, that she would be stuck there forever. And by now she was use to being alone. She stood up and got ready for another supply run. There was very little she could eat there. But she couldn't complain, at least she had something to eat. And most importantly something to drink. There was still enough bottles of water for the next few months. But it would not last her more than a year.

Jade went over to the front of the shuttle to check if the distress signal was still going. Once she did that she went off to scan the area for more supplies. She carefully slipped out of the shuttle, as not to draw attenchion to herself from the locals. She went into the brush of the planet. Literal red grass and purple leaves on the trees covered the scene. She came up to a small clearing, where the only food edible for her was there. Jade began picking just enough to sustain her for the next few days. She was careful to make sure to stay away from the locals. Once she finished it was nearly dark out. Most things where barely visible to the human eyes. She would have to rely on her sense of direction. She stood up and carefully started on her way back to the shuttle craft. She walked slowly back, tripping over something just a few feet from the craft. It was equipment. That was weird. She didn't pull and equipment out. Jade pulled herself up and winced. She groaned and forced herself into the craft again.

Once she was inside she realized there where people inside. It took hat a few moments to realize they where from star fleet. " Uhm hi? " she said, she didn't really know what to say besides that. The one in the gold colored shirt spoke up. " I'm Captain Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise. You must be one of the last surviving crew members from the ship malfunction six months ago. " he stated. Jade noded slowly, " it's been that long? " she asks completely forgetting about her ankle. The captain noded and his eyes dropped to her feet, noticing she was standing on one foot. He imedatly looked to McCoy, who was already pulling his equipment out of his carry on bag. He motionedfor jade to sit down, and she complied. Leonard walked over, " how did this happen? " he asked as he started to inspect her ankle. " I I'm, I tripped over some equipment outside, it wasn't there before. " she answers quietly, he nodded and looked to Scotty, " quit leaveing your equipment out in the open for people to hurt themselves over." He huffed irritably and started wrapping her ankle. The captain spoke up, " do you know if there is anyone else out here, besides the locals, I mean. Others that may have crash landed here as well. " he asked and jade shrugged, " not that I know of. I've just been trying to stay alive. " she answers and the captain nods. Refraining from asking her anymore questions for now. McCoy finished wrapping her ankle and helped her stand up.

" we schools get going, I don't have all the medical supplies I need to finish up her ankle. Like pain medication. " he states and Kirk nods pulling out his com, " Kirk to enterprise. " he stopped waiting for someone to answer.

" enterprise here sir. "

" beam up McCoy and jade, Scotty and I are going to check out the planet. " Kirk told them.

Seconds later a gold sparkling color spun around both Leonard and Jade. Transporting them both to the enterprise.

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