| 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐰𝐨 |

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"Scott, pick up. Pick up now." Stiles put his phone to his ear quickly "Look, we got, like, 50 feet of ash left and I'm out. Okay? So you got to get your wolf ass down here to help us"

Stiles looked over at y/n who was walking forward now towards him

"-because I don't know what to do. And we are just standing out here and-" gun shots rang out as Stiles spoke "all alone, and hearing gunfire and werewolves, were standing here like  freaking idiots all by our self's with a handful of magic fairy dust. And I don't have enough. Okay?"

"Okay, come on, think." Stiles spoke out loud even though it was more to himself

"Um, okay. He said you got to believe. You need to believe." Y/n nodded at him and held her hand around his with the mountain ash as they closed their eyes and began walking

"Come on, believe, Stiles. Just picture it." Stiles hyped himself up

"Just imagine it working, okay? Just-" y/n breathed out nervously "Imagine."

They walked until the ash was gone. When she opened her eyes she looked to her left and met Stiles' eyes who was so close she could feel his hot breath against her face.


-This is my first book, bare with me

-under editing

-she will take peoples lines/scenes so don't get angry with me😎

I'm Not A Hero //Stiles Stilinski x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now