11 - Hit Me With Your Best Shot

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LITTLE DUCKS... can I call you little ducks? I'm gonna call you little ducks. 

We hit 2 K...

Sit down.



I forgot to say this last time so here's me being random. I can't believe we reached chapter 11 already.... INSANE!

Play song where indicated.


- Underage smoking


I can't do what you do;



Before I put another notch in my lipstick case. You better make sure you put me in my place.

"Harry Styles, you are absolutely insane!" I yell with glee as Harry runs zig zags ahead of me on the sidewalk. His arms stretched out and palms open, his hair wiping back and his shirt waving in the wind.

"Louder Anna Rose!" He yells, turning to run around me, and then he's gone again. "I said you're absolutely insane," I scream at the top of my lungs, a hollering Harry the only response I get.

We're running on the smell of old books and fairy tales, and it almost seems like Harry is floating just above the ground from excitement.

"Harry, you're going to fall down." I laugh, unable to get the words out properly, but he stops anyway and turns to me. I pick up speed to catch up to him, his hair in disarray, a smile that may break his face and red cheeks.

"How are you always Happy English?" His expression doesn't waver as he lifts his arm for me to duck under. "I'm not; I have a lot of things that worry me, but like you, Anna Rose, I choose not to share it with the world." I nestle into his side, his arm wrapping around me securely.

"Will you tell me some of it?" He nods immediately. "I've wanted to paint my nails since I was sixteen." He admits, looking down at me with a scrunched nose. "You agreed so readily when I offered."

"Because I knew Anna that out of all the people that could offer, you were the one that did, and it made me so immensely happy that I decided, screw it, and I'm happy I did." He puts his hand in front of us to admire them. They're not perfect anymore, some are chipped already, but they're perfect to me.

"Beautiful English suits you," I tell him. "Thank you, Anna; I think so too." He nods, satisfied as we continue walking home.

"I want you to tell me when things are bothering you too, okay? When you said that it's not fair to compare trauma, I hope you were talking about yourself too." I say after a moment, my voice wavering from uncertainty, my eyes trained on my shoes. "I will, Anna, I promise."

"Also, tell me when to stop asking cause I think I can get a little invasive." I chew the inside of my cheek. "You mean to tell you to fuck off." I halt movement, my eyes wide as I look up at him, nearly tripping over my standing feet. "Why Harry, what would Anne say?" I scold playfully. "She'd kick my shin."

His laughter rings through, the look on his face only to be described as a kid who got caught. "You know what, Anna." He says, pulling me to walk again. "Everything is going to be just fine." He speaks with humor, kissing the top of my head. "We'll be alright." He whispers as an afterthought. Yea, maybe we will.

There's morning dew on the grass, birds waking up in the trees as we reach my house. My dad's car in the driveway makes my heart jump with happiness.

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