Chapter 9 - Did you build this?

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A/N: Hello there! Here is a new chapter for you^^ I really hope you like it, it's a little bit short but I think it's still okay... well, anyways. Thanks for reading and Voting, I really appreciate the support!!^^

Danny's pov.

Today is the day. Friday. Soon a Specter Speeder filled with a bunch of idiots and a High School class will enter my home, my kingdom. Great. But with the plan we made yesterday, everything should go well.
I look at myself in the mirror. I usually don't wear the royal uniform with the cape. When I don't have to go anywhere and just stay here, I wear hoodies, sweaters, T-Shirts... anything that's comfortable.

Sometimes, for example, when I go into the human world or to other missions like that, I wear a new version of the Jumpsuit. The old one reminds me too much of the human world, so he now has a special place in my wardrobe, but I don't wear it. Instead, I wear a black hoodie with white sleeves and a cool symbol on the right side. It's like a logo, Ember came up with the idea. It's a D for Danny and inside is a P for Phantom. This symbol is also on the flags in my castle, I think it's really cool.

However, today is special. That's why I wear my royal uniform, also in black and white with the symbol on it. The cape is white and I also wear the crown of fire and the ring of rage. I don't wear them often, only if I have to.

After I ate breakfast I flew to Pandora. She and Frightknight parted the guards into groups and told them what each group has to do. As I walk over to them I smile happily. Everything works perfectly.

"Good morning." I say and Pandora turns to me.

"Danny! Good Morning. How are you today?" She asks and hugs me.

"I'm good, thanks. How about you two?"

"I'm a little bit nervous but apart from that I'm fine." She says and Frightknight nods in agreement.

"Yes, everything goes as planned."

"That's good. Thanks for the help. I have to go now, Skulker is probably already waiting for me. See you guys later"

"Bye Danny." With that, I fly away to the next stop. Skulkers lair.

"Skulker? Where are you?" I ask as I land on the entrance of his lair and slowly go inside.

"Oh, there you are. What are you doing?" I ask him confused. He is sitting at his desk and seems to repair something. Skulker turns around to look at me. At first, I giggle, but I laugh hysterically when he looks at me with this reproachful look on his face.

"Stop laughing." Skulker demands and I hold my stomach.

"Haha... I didn't know you have reading glasses." I say, wiping a fake tear away. The tiny round glasses on his nose look so small, I can't believe he actually can look through it.

"What? Do you have a problem with my glasses?" The famous hunter of the Ghost Zone asks and I shake my head.

"No, of course not. I Think glasses are really cool, I just didn't expect you to wear those. What were you doing anyway?" I change the subject and Skulker shows me a little earbud-like headphone.

"Did you build this?" I ask amazed. Now I understand for what he needed his glasses. This little earbud sure needs a delicacy of feeling.

"It's like a communicator. We can talk through this with each other. You just need to press this button and then I can understand you." He explains and I smile wide.

"That's awesome Skulker!" The big guy in front of me smiles sheepishly and says:

"I also made some for the others. You should give these to them."

"I will. Thank you, Skulker. I'll hurry, just go without me. I know where to find you." I smirk and fly off to the Far Frozen.

After I brought the headphone communicator devices that Skulker build for the others to them, I fly to Skulker. On my way there I push the button in my ear and ask:

"Is everyone ready?"

"We're ready." I hear the voice of Pandora, Frightknight, and Frostbite.

"Me too." Desiree says through the communicator and Skulker asks:

"Where are you?" I smile as I see him in the distance and answer:

"On my way."

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