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You thought it was over? You thought wrong b*tch 😏💜


It's the day before Jungkook's big street competition

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It's the day before Jungkook's big street competition. Y/n was fast asleep on the floor as Jungkook's team practiced. It was nearing 2am and everybody was exhausted. The captain of the dance team finally calls it a night.

Jungkook breathes hard as he catches his breath. He couldn't stand the dance captain but he was good. He knew what he wanted and made it perfect. Jungkook walks over to his girlfriend of four months and smiled down at her sleeping form.

He crouched down and pushed back her (h/t) hair with his sweaty finger tips. She stirs awake and blinks a few times. She rubs her eyes and looked up at Jungkook. A soft smile forms on her lips.

"You're done?" She asks, groggily with her southern twang being more prominent to his ears

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"You're done?" She asks, groggily with her southern twang being more prominent to his ears.

He nods. Y/n sits up from her spot and grabbed his sweat rag. He takes it from her hands and told her thank you. She gives him a nod in response. She watch his dance friends leave the building.

He wipes his sweat and reached out his hand. She looks at it and places her hand into his. He stands up and brings Y/n to her feet. Y/n brushed off the dirt from her pants and hoodie.

She picked up his bag and grabbed his keys.

"Here." She tells him, handing him his keys.

He looks at them and then at her, "You drive. I'm too tired." He tells her, picking up his water container.

She nods, bringing the keys back to her. They made their way towards the exit as Jungkook slips his hand into Y/n's free one. She looks down at their intertwined fingers and smiles.

She never thought she would be with someone like Jungkook. She's never been happier and neither has he, but Taehyung is the happiest out of the two. He always wanted Y/n and Jungkook to be together. Way before he saw the way Jungkook looked at her when he brought her to the abandoned building for the first time.

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