Chapter 4

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"It is at this time that now I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

As the words finally left the priest's mouth.

Something inside of me changed.

Or just in plain and simple words, died.

I wasn't just anyone now. I was someone's wife.

Look that was my main problem with marriage to begin with. Although i knew it was inevitable specially for someone like me but the mere thought that after a ceremony and exchanging of some rings and vows with someone, a girl suddenly loses her true identity.

She can be the worthiest person in the world but the world we lived in, would still only acknowledge her as someone's wife.

I looked at Damian as he leaned down.

He placed his lips on mine for a bare second before pulling away.

It wasn't a kiss.

Not even in a slightest but what was I expecting from a man whore like him, anyway ?

I just couldn't wait for everything to end already.

After a huge wait of receiving congratulations and greetings and wishes from people, we finally made our way out.

The car ride again was disastrously silent.

I had no clue where we were headed to anyway until the vehicle stopped in front of a huge tower.

We made our way inside the luxurious hotel that from the name i guessed, was owned by the man that i just got married to and his family.
After walking through the lobby, Damian lead me towards the elevator that took us straight to his personal suite.

It was ultra luxury to say that least.

Dark and mysterious just like he was.

"Make yourself comfortable. If you need anything, i'll be in the living space." Damian said before taking his ringing phone out of his pocket before checking who the caller was and putting it back inside.
"We've a long flight in the morning so get some sleep." He ordered.

"Flight ? Where... where are we going ?" I questioned.

"Although i argued against it, I couldn't get away from this. We're going for our honeymoon." He said as if i was dying to be on a torturously boring and silent plane ride with him. I'm just as indifferent to this situation as  you are.

"Honeymoon. Right." I muttered as he left the took his suit jacket off and threw it on the chair in the corner of the bedroom before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

I took all of my jewels off that i was wearing but I couldn't see any form of clothing that i could possibly change into.

I was about to open the bedroom door to go ask Damian if he had any clue where my luggage was when i heard his voice.

"I told you I won't see you for a while, didn't i ?" He said.
"Sophia, stay in your fucking lane." His voice was stern and clear.

Sophia. The girl i saw in the gala.

"I'll be there in a while." Of course he would be, right ? Why wouldn't he ? Fucking manwhore.

I couldn't care at this point.

It wasn't like i wanted him to sleep by my side on the freaking wedding night.

He could go fuck whoever he wanted.

I twisted the doorknob and saw his figure sitting on the couch of the lounge connected to the bedroom.
His eyes instantly met mine stressing me out for a minute until i looked anywhere else.

"My.. where are my clothes ?" I asked him.

"Your luggage isn't here. You can take whatever you'd like of mine. There's plenty of stuff in the wardrobe." He said before taking his jacket from his side.

"I'll be out for the night, I'm gonna be back in the morning. If you need anything just call someone from the staff." He said

"Of course, you are." I muttered bitterly

"Be loud and clear." He ordered looking straight at me.

"I don't know anyone here and nobody knows me, i'm sure. Can you be a bit decent and visit your whores some other time ? What am i gonna do here alone ?" I said, my voice was loud and clear like he wanted it to be this time.

He chuckled.

A sexy and dominating sound.

Oh you sexy asshole.

He took a few steps towards me making me take a few steps backward. He stopped until my back had nowhere to go but touch the hard wall.

"You didn't expect us to go all in on the first night, did you Bambina ?" He leaned forward, his steady breathes on the side of my face making my hair stand up.
"That will most definitely happen since you're supposed to give me offsprings but not tonight, i've someone waiting for me already. Maybe if you offered this a while ago." He said smirking.

What did he think i was ?

I pushed him away.

"I don't expect anything from you and i'm not offering you anything." I said before turning to leave but he caught my wrist.

"Principessa, quando mi parli. assicurati di mostrare un po 'di rispetto. You won't appreciate the consequences if you decide otherwise." He said in my ear. His body pressed to my back making me shiver.
"And didn't i tell you already ? No love, no expectations."

"Let me go." I said and he released me before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

Oh God.

This wasn't going to be easy.

Not in a slightest.

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