Only smuts, which means
that there's a lot of sexual
content. Like... A lot.
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Updates; once at month.
Started; Fri. 28 of may (2021).
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NON EDITED CHAPTER. Started the 6th Jul. 2021. Finished the 12 Jul. 2021.
WARNINGS: Nothing kinky I guess?
SPOILERS?: No, it just starts with the smut. ThErE's NO tImE FoR SPoIlERS!
LITTLE CONTEXT: For the first time in months, Muriel felt horny. And he needed the attention his girlfriend, Y/N, provided him. However, she was nowhere to be found, so he decided to finish his desires by his own hand.
A grunt could be heard outside the hut. Muriel grasped his hand around his cock, trying to sastify himself a little bit. It wasn't working and he was getting more and more impatient. He wanted to cum.
He tried everything you did to him, but it didn't work. It was like if you made his body only obey to your touch, only to release when you're around or when you were treating him. Muriel let a moan escape from his lips.
He thought about you. Your figure, your hands, how you made him feel so unique when you both had a moment alone. And more when you had sex. The view of you naked that only him had access to. Only for him to take you.
He panted, exhausted. He couldn't release yet even if he was about to. He wanted to cum so bad, but now he was embarrassed. What could you think about your fiancé if you walked to the hut and saw him touching himself, craving for attention as if he was some sort of animal.
"Fuck..." he desesperately growled.
He laid himself on the ground, trying to think it was you the one that was touching him all of this time. But it was obvious from the start that your hands had a different effect on him. Your soft sking against his rough one was just the way he liked.
He searched for the tip and replicated on his mind how you used to do it. He moaned out loud again, and then he muffled another one.
How you could cause such sensation on him?
"Honey, I'm home." you reached the door and opened it, finding Muriel standing by the fire.