He Is Back

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Tommy's POV
The sixth hogaka has call us to his place and told us about this mission and said and it is Tommy wish to be on this team the sixth who is Zenitsu then Injiro said Thank you sixth hogaka then he said A6d your hand then A6d said huh? Then he showed his hand then something that seemed to be a clock appeared on his hand then A6d said what is this? Then the sixth hogaka said it is A top secret clock that only the five kaga possess then Tubbo asked what kind is it? then Zenitsu says it is a clock that counts down until earth destruction then A6d says I don't get it then says why's this necessary for Tommy's rescue? Then Zenitsu said Toneri, the one who kidnapped Tommy, who could be the one manipulating the moon. Then A6d says what is this basing on? Then Zenitsu says it just a hunch then me and the other start to walk around then Fundy says this is the place I lost the sight of Bitzel's kidnapper then A6d says well then let's split up to fine clues and as me and Tubbo, Ranboo were on the bird the Fundy summoned and looked around I started to look at them then Tubbo says what is it then I look away and say oh is nothing then start to look around then is start to us my byakugan to look for any clues that the kidnappers might of left and as I was look around with my byakugan I see Bitzel's kunai with the little thing on it then I say oh! Then Ranboo says what is it! Then we went to were I saw Bitzel's kunai and then I started to dig through the snow and then I said I found Bitzel's kunai then I opened my backpack then Tubbo said huh? You brought the scarf? Then I said huh? Then Ranboo said why don't you wear it? Isn't cold? Then I said I-I'm fine! Then said anyways we should hurry and let A6d and the others know then Ranboo and Tubbo said oh yeah, your right. Then we got on the bird and went to tell the others then we all went and started to look for more clues together and as I was using my byakugan to find more clues then A6d said Tommy do you see anything then I said that there was a spring that is glowing at the bottom of the cave then A6d said in A questionable voice A spring that glows? Then as we were going into the cave Fundy spotted something and said that shinboi letter is "A" as in Aun then A6d said it could mean "this is the beginning" Tommy can you see the bottom of the spring? Then I said my vision is distorted...

Tubbo's POV
As we were looking into the spring A6d asked Tommy to us his byakugan to see at the bottom of the spring but Tommy said that his byakugan was distorted then A6d said Your byakugan is distorting? The I said Well have to go down and see then as we were about to jump in Me and Ranboo said well we can't get these scarfs wet then Injiro said you're so particular then said what is the big deal if your scarf gets wet then me and Ranboo said it's a big deal this means a lot to me then Injiro said huh?! Then Fundy said there is no need to to take the scarf off I touch the water and I didn't get wet. Then we all swim down then we were falling then I was having a flash back

Ranboo's POV
Then I was having a flashback it said if the world were to end tomorrow who would you like to spend you time with then Tubbo said like that would happen! Than I said yeah it was a flash back in when we were younger me and Tubbo were looking in the past then we in a fight with pain and then Tommy came out of no where and was fighting him and me and Tubbo said were did you come from you stand no match against him then we hear Tommy said I cry when I don't even try something and now I want to save you like you have always saved me then he said I am not scared of dieing because I love you Tubbo and Ranboo( platonic) then we said Tommy and a small and soft voice then we were in Mr. Minecraft's class room and he said if the world were to end all that stuff we see Tommy and walk besides him then there was a paper airplane fine across the room and then Mr Minecraft said Tubbo Ranboo what did you throw that paper airplane out the window the we said the world is not going to end then mr Minecraft said if then we hear Tommy said heh then we see on his paper and it said Tubbo smith and Ranboo Nathaniel then another memory that showed Injiro and Tommy walking and talking about the scarfs and Injiro said stuff about Tommy giving the scarfs to us then again the memory of Tommy saying Ranboo Tubbo I... I love you then I hear Injiro yelling Tubbo Ranboo wake up this is a dream then Fundy said so this is a trap then A6d said yeah it is a traps intruders in a genjutsu then we started to talk about what dreams we were having then me and Tubbo looked at Tommy who wasn't looking at us and looking another way then A6d said another spring let me guess you can't see the bottom with your byakugan then Tommy said my byakugan is distorted then as we all were about to jump in me and Tubbo said Tommy about the dreams earlier then Tommy looked at us with a worried look then me and Tubbo said never mind then I jumped in

Tommy's POV
As I saw Tubbo and Ranboo jump in the spring I was about to go after but then I heard someone call out my name Tommy then I turned around to see Toneri then he said I said I'd came for you to have you come with me then I shouted at him to tell me we're Bitzel was then he said don't worry he is fast asleep at the Castle then I said return Bitzel!then he said well that all depended on your answer...Byakugan princess then I said byakugan princess? Then he said Tommy... let us be married then I said huh?Be married?

Tubbo's POV
Me and Ranboo noticed that Tommy wasn't behind us so we swam back up and there we the Toneri guy with Tommy then me and Ranboo yell Tommy's name and Tommy said Ranboo Tubbo then we told that guy to back off then the guy said you are in the way... move then we attack him and said where is Bitze them Ranboo and me fight this guy and Tommy is looking then me and ranboo punch the guy


A6d's POV
As me,Fundy,and Injiro were fighting the gatekeeper which seemed to be a big crab it was about to hit me until Fundy summoned two giants that held onto the crabs claws and then Injiro used his chu to hit the crab and then the crab pass out?

Back to the bench trio

Ranboo's POV
As me and Tubbo punched Toneri into a wall he started to look weird but then we said You're a puppet?! Then he said This is not my body then he started to walk close to Tommy and us then me and Tubbo put our hands out infront of Tommy so Toneri wouldn't touch Tommy but then Toneri said Tommy then said Next time, the real me will come for you then said Give me an answer then collapsed onto the floor then we went into the spring and met with the others then Tubbo said did your punch do this then Injiro said yeah and then said Tubbo,Ranboo if you every leave Tommy behind and expose him to danger again, you'll get a taste of my fist too... then me and Tubbo said we know then I said to Tommy, Tommy I'll never let you... then he looked at me then Tubbo said we'll never let you out of our sight again. Then Injiro said What? You're already looking away. Then I said Huh? I'm not looking away. Then as we were walking we see sun then we start making our way up and when we got out Injiro says there is a sun under ground then A6d says no that is a Premade sun then we went on birds then A6d asked Tommy if there were any enemy's? then Tommy said no we're good then Injiro said The enemy is aware of us... then said why aren't attacking? Then A6d says yeah that brothers me then says it's too quiet

Shows Toneri sitting in a chair and says leave them and then says don't do anything until I go get him then says oh... The eyes are tewiching again. Then says amazing... this byakugan is very pure.

Tubbo's POV
As me and the other were Planning to camp here we set up our tents and Fundy A6d,and Injiro are asleep and me and Ranboo are on a branch then we see Tommy walk away from the camping spot then Ranboos says huh? Then I said Tommy?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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